The biblical Flood helps explain shallow metamorphic rocksBiblical Flood models help explain shallow metamorphic rocks.Article23 Jul, 2021
Water: not from meteoritesEarths water couldnt have come from meteorites, since trillions of supertanker-sized meteorites are needed to deliver all the water.Article19 Jul, 2021
Turning the tideThe book which gave Christians the scientific evidence for a worldwide Flood and a recent age for the Earth, contrary to theistic evolutionary compromises.Article06 Jun, 2011
Micro-fossil balls buried in Noah’s FloodRadiometric and genetic-clock dating, geo-structures, and geochemistry indicate Bicellum brasieri buried by Noah’s Flood and not one billion years ago.Article29 Jun, 2021
Rapid caves part 1: excavating cavesRecent research shows that many caves could have been excavated quickly by sulfuric acid dissolution.Article18 Jun, 2021
Australia's largest dinosaurEvidence that Australias largest dinosaur drowned and was buried in Noah’s Flood.Article17 Jun, 2021
Massive graveyard of parrot-beaked dinosaurs in MongoliaMassive graveyard of parrot-beaked dinosaurs in Mongolia. Paleontologists puzzle about the cause of death but miss the obvious clue.Article26 Oct, 2007
Ordos Plateau in central China points to the Genesis FloodPlanation surfaces and strath terraces in China are best explained as erosion caused by global Flood runoff.Article28 May, 2021
Red centreTourist sites at Australia’s red centre reveal powerful evidence of forming during Noah’s Flood.Article07 Jun, 2016
Wet deserts and the Ice AgeThe biblical Ice Age explains why deserts were once much wetter than today.Article24 May, 2021
Ice Age megafloods provide insight into the Genesis FloodMegafloods cause rapid, layered sedimentation and demonstrate that the Genesis Flood was capable of depositing the continental sedimentary rocks.Article21 May, 2021
Coal: memorial to the FloodCoal points to Noahs Flood because huge quantities of vegetation have been uprooted, transported, and buried by water under great volumes of sediment all over the world.Article24 Jul, 2013
Little erosion beneath Antarctica and Greenland Ice SheetsLittle erosion underneath the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets argues against them being millions of years old.Article14 May, 2021
Tamu MassifTamu Massif, catastrophic, volcano, eruption, Japan, Shatsky Rise, William Sager, Texas A&M The Tamu Massif on the Shatsky Rise off Japan erupted catastrophically mid way through Noah\\\\s FloodArticle23 Nov, 2015
Post-Flood boundaryDisagreements and difficult-to-understand datasets on the post-Flood boundary are not a reason to doubt biblical creation.Article08 May, 2021
Candles turned to stonePetrified candles demonstrate that plant and animals fossils require only decades —not millions of years—to turn into stoneArticle03 May, 2021