Ooids grew rapidly in the FloodOoids form differently today from their analogues in the rock record, suggesting the Flood provided unique conditions for their formation.Article16 Jun, 2023
Did the earth ever wobble twelve degrees?Biblical explanations of paleomagnetic data are simpler and more elegant than old-earth explanations.Article09 Jun, 2023
Probing the earth's deep placesInterview with scientist who develops detailed computer models of the structure and processes of the earths interiorArticle01 Jun, 2011
The origin of Grand CanyonGrand Canyon reveals it was carved as the waters retreated, not later in an Ice Age dam burst.Article29 May, 2023
Faith testedCreation magazine has helped many to leave their doubts behind and enter into a confident, active Christian faith.Article22 May, 2023
The Carnian Pluvial EventThe Carnian Pluvial Event is a fictitious invention derived from a speculative interpretation of certain geological rock layers.Article09 May, 2023
Astounding ammoniteAmmolite is a rare, iridescent, gem cut from the fossilized shells of extinct sea creatures known as ammonites, buried in Noah’s Flood.Article20 Feb, 2023
Creationist ice core researchCreationists have refuted claims that ice cores demand an old Earth, but more ice sheet modelling is needed.Article10 Feb, 2023
Debunking Graham Hancock’s Ancient Apocalypse TV seriesGraham Hancock Ancient Apocalypse proposes civilization older than secular archaeology allows.Article21 Jan, 2023
Rising waters separated Britain from Europe?How Britain was separated from Europe in the post-Flood era, leaving evidence of human habitation in areas now underwater.Article20 Jan, 2023
Gold deposits—formed by the global FloodGold in hydrothermal colloidal solution was deposited quickly into hyper-enriched bonanza veins at Brucejack mine, aided by seawater.Article16 Jan, 2023
Can certain geological structures be explained by a global Flood?Can certain geologic features like tillites, chalk beds and paleosols be explained by a global flood? Skeptics say no. Find out how the Biblical flood makes more sense of the very features used to try and disprove it!Podcast21 Dec, 202223:26
Abrupt climate changes and global warmingTrue interpretation of these ice cores comes down to one’s belief in the age of the earth—evolution or biblical creation?Article17 Nov, 2022
Cosmic magnetic material forms fastTetrataenite, a promising alternative to rare-earth magnets, was thought to need millions of years to form, but a lab formed it quickly.Article08 Nov, 2022
Gemstones don’t take ages to formA new study has shown that gemstones such as emerald and aquamarine could form rapidly, within minutes to hoursArticle07 Nov, 2022
What is the origin of clastic pipes?Noahs Flood provides a better context for explaining the origin of clastic pipes than long-age geology does.Article21 Oct, 2022