Devils Tower can be explained by floodwater runoffDevils Tower should have eroded long ago in the uniformitarian scenarios, but a recent origin during the Genesis Flood explains why it still stands.Article07 Jan, 2011
World Creation storiesWorld creation stories affect how societies function and the atheist’s creation story of evolution has proven to be incredibly destructive.Article06 Jan, 2011
Oil starlight timeJonathan Sarfati and David Catchpoole answer questions about earthArticle18 Dec, 2010
Fascinating fossil fence-wireIt is commonly believed that rocks take millions of years to form but some fossilized fencing wire show how it can happen quicklyArticle15 Dec, 2010
Bible cave menThere has never been a stone age or cave men, but there have always been some people living in caves, even today.Article05 Jul, 2010
Mineral evolutionThere is now a trend towards the blurring of the frontiers of the earth and life sciences with a push for integration.Article18 Jun, 2010
Indian creation mythsNative American creation and flood stories and so called Indian creation myths share a common unity with the book of Genesis.Article10 Jun, 2010
Lunar mariaThe observed mare distribution on near side of the moon and its orbital perturbation are explained by a cataclysmic asteroid strike during the global Flood.Article30 Apr, 2010
Mining mountains West VirginiaThe Pennsylvanian coal measures of West Virginia exhibit abundant evidence of catastrophic deposition consistent with NoahArticle22 Mar, 2010
Sandy surpriseRapid petrification of sand in a swimming pool filter illustrates that rocks can form very quickly when the conditions are appropriate.Article17 Mar, 2010
Darwins mistake on the Santa Cruz RiverDarwin wrongly interpreted the Santa Cruz River as being eroded by the ocean over millions of years but it was carved by a catastrophic release of glacial meltwaterArticle01 Mar, 2010
Rock languageSome people say the rocks cry out but others just hear a stony silence. ThatArticle08 Feb, 2010
Maori Creator IoMaori concepts of God, Io, are consistent with the immigration of Polynesian people from the Middle East some time after Noahs Flood.Article16 Nov, 2009
Engineer goes back to schoolInterview with creationist engineer and geologist, Dr Tas WalkerArticle29 Jun, 2009