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Indonesian mud volcano

Indonesian mud volcano

Sidoarjo mud volcano in Indonesia shows how Noah
02 Jul, 2012
Brisbane basement rocks

Brisbane basement rocks

Tas Walkers biblical geological model suggests the basement rocks of the Brisbane area were formed in the earliest and most violent stages of the Flood.
29 Jun, 2012
achondritic meteorites flood bombardment

achondritic meteorites flood bombardment

4 Vesta-like achondritic meteorites tell us that impactors during the Flood bombardment probably originated from the asteroid belt.
18 May, 2012


ABC video Australia time traveller
01 Apr, 2012
Dr Emil Silvestru "The Cave Book" 2 of 2

Dr Emil Silvestru "The Cave Book" 2 of 2

CMI's Dr Emil Silvestru is interviewed by Jim Cantelon of 100 Huntley Street. Dr Silverstru's PhD is in Geology. He currently works as a scientist, writer and speaker for CMI-Canada. See creation.com for thousands of articles that show how the latest scientific discoveries support creation.
21 Mar, 201203:52
Dr Emil Silvestru "The Cave Book" 1 of 2

Dr Emil Silvestru "The Cave Book" 1 of 2

CMI's Dr Emil Silvestru is interviewed by Jim Cantelon of 100 Huntley Street. Dr Silverstru's PhD is in Geology. He currently works as a scientist, writer and speaker for CMI-Canada. See creation.com for thousands of articles that show how the latest scientific discoveries support creation.
21 Mar, 201214:22
Flood models biblical realism

Flood models biblical realism

The Bible is the non-negotiable foundation for all Flood models, but where the Bible is truly silent, one is free to invoke known phenomena, but models involving these should be held loosely.
10 Feb, 2012
Speedy stone from sand to rock

Speedy stone from sand to rock

With the help of added microbes, researchers can turn soft sand into rock as hard as marble rapidly without needing millions of years.
19 Dec, 2011
Pyramid rock

Pyramid rock

The geology of Phillip Island Australia preserves a catastrophic geological history that is explained by the events of Noah
03 Nov, 2011
Young moon active mantle

Young moon active mantle

Evidence of siliciclastic volcanism independent of the lunar maria indicates the moon is too hot for old age theories, supporting the biblical age for the moon.
23 Aug, 2011
Would Darwin be a Darwinist today?

Would Darwin be a Darwinist today?

For more details visit: https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-42 [https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-42]
09 Aug, 201109:59
Strata cave dating

Strata cave dating

Creationists don
30 Jul, 2011
Rafting In The Grand Canyon

Rafting In The Grand Canyon

Enjoy this ‘virtual raft tour’ through Grand Canyon stopping along the river to explore evidence in the rocks for the rapid formation of the canyon. This image rich presentation shows the beauty of the Canyon while explaining, in easy-to-understand terms how the Canyon’s geology supports biblical history and not the millions of years evolutionary history.
25 Jul, 2011
Geologic Catastrophe and the Young Earth (Steve Austin Interview)

Geologic Catastrophe and the Young Earth (Steve Austin Interview)

For more details visit: https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-28 [https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-28]
25 May, 201110:00
The Dating Game

The Dating Game

Crucial to any worldview, the age of the earth has been a wedge deeply splitting Christianity. The rocks and fossils are a story interpreted by a person’s predetermined worldview. Let’s have a look together at some geological features used to ‘read time’ and hear how they whisper “The earth is young!”—just as the Bible would indicate.
28 Apr, 2011
Great artesian basin

Great artesian basin

The rocks of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia, have characteristics which make them easy to classify within a biblical geological framework.
04 Mar, 2011