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Tsunami tragedy

Tsunami tragedy

The tragic devastation wreaked by the Boxing Day, 2004 tsunami is a sober reminder of the awesome power of Gods judgment in the Flood of Noah.
04 Dec, 2006
Geology young earth

Geology young earth

Common arguments against a young earth from Bible-believing skeptics have rebuttals, but they miss the point that science cant disprove the Bible.
03 Jul, 2013
Mud and the Flood

Mud and the Flood

Who would have ever thought that too much mud could supposedly disprove the Bible? Well, mudstone—which is rock formed from mud—makes up a huge percentage of earth's sedimentary rocks. And many allege that this invalidates the biblical account of a global flood.
28 May, 201301:00
Polystrate Fossils: evidence against millions of years

Polystrate Fossils: evidence against millions of years

Most people are under the impression that coal forms slowly in swamps over millions of years. But this view neglects the testimony of tree trunk fossils that cut across many coal layers, known as polystrate fossils. If these tree trunks were buried gradually over thousands of years the top parts of the trees would have rotted away before they could be protected by sediment.
07 May, 201301:00
South Asia erosion

South Asia erosion

The nature and extent of Cenozoic gravel sheet formation in south-central Asia suggests formation during the Retreating Stage of the Flood.
03 May, 2013
Granite formed quickly?

Granite formed quickly?

People with granite bench tops in their kitchens are usually very proud of them, never failing to show them off to visitors. But that's not surprising—serving up dinner on a surface that was supposedly millions of years in the making carries a certain aura about it.
02 May, 201301:00
Surtsey Still Surprises

Surtsey Still Surprises

Formed by a volcanic eruption in 1963, the Island of Surtsey, near Iceland, has intrigued scientists because it looks like landscapes most think are much older. According to a New Scientist article, the Island has excited geographers, who marveled at canyons, gullies and other land features that usually take tens of thousands or millions of years to form were created in less than a decade.
09 Apr, 201300:59
The Cambrian Explosion

The Cambrian Explosion

When most people hear the word 'explosion', they often think of destroyed buildings and injured people. But geologists have long recognized a different type of 'explosion' in earth's sedimentary rocks, known as the Cambrian explosion.
28 Mar, 201300:59
Are there really glacial deposits in Flood rock?

Are there really glacial deposits in Flood rock?

How could scratches in rock disprove the biblical flood? Well, scratches in rock, call striations, are sometimes caused by a glacier moving over bedrock, therefore, when scientists encounter striated rock, they often claim that a glacier caused it.
25 Jan, 201300:59
Secular Neocatastrophism

Secular Neocatastrophism

Forced by the evidence to abandon Lyellian gradualism, secular geologists only embraced catastrophism after invoking an asteroid impact to support a Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) extinction event.
25 Jan, 2013
Robert Ballard did not discover Noah’s Flood

Robert Ballard did not discover Noah’s Flood

The claim by Robert Ballard to have found Noah’s Flood in the Black Sea is not correct.
19 Dec, 2012
Origin demise dinosaurs

Origin demise dinosaurs

Lack of information and heated debates divide evolutionists over the origin and demise of dinosaurs.
30 Nov, 2012
After devastation ... the recovery

After devastation ... the recovery

In the years after the Mt St Helens eruption of 18 May 1980, scientists discovered that the initial pessimistic forecasts of long-term barrenness were wrong, as vegetation and wildlife soon returned.
14 Nov, 2012
Flood geological maps

Flood geological maps

Geological maps can be used to develop an authentic geological history of the area that fits within the biblical perspective.
07 Sep, 2012
Carboniferous floating forest 2

Carboniferous floating forest 2

The structure of the root system of Upper Carboniferous lycopods favours the floating forest hypothesis of Kuntze regarding the formation of Paleozoic coal layers.
31 Aug, 2012
Cape Town geology

Cape Town geology

The geology of the spectacular mountains around Cape Town provide amazing evidence for the events of Noah
03 Jul, 2012