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The age of the Jenolan Caves Australia

The age of the Jenolan Caves Australia

How old are the Jenolan Caves?
27 Nov, 2008
How did the waters of Noahs Flood drain

How did the waters of Noahs Flood drain

The waters of Noah’s Flood drained off the continents as vertical tectonics caused the oceans to sink.
09 Jan, 2017
Rock arches and the flood

Rock arches and the flood

Rock arches and natural bridges cannot be explained by uniformitarian geology, but were likely eroded in the Retreating stage of the Genesis Flood.
16 Jul, 2010
Post Flood log mats and animal migration

Post Flood log mats and animal migration

Floating log mats and animal migration.
14 Oct, 2016
The rock cycle

The rock cycle

The geological rock cycle fits biblical geology provided the process rates are rapid and it mostly operated during the Flood.
08 Oct, 2016
Lawyer jettisons Noah's Flood

Lawyer jettisons Noah's Flood

Many people think that the biblical flood of Noah was abandoned because of the evidence. However, history tells a different story. Modern geological thought owes much to a man named Charles Lyell. Lyell, a lawyer, published a book in 1830 called Principles of Geology. Described as a "masterpiece of persuasion", it changed the way people thought about earth's past. According to Lyell, we should only appeal to today's geological processes to explain earth history. However, this approach meant that the global flood recorded in the Bible was automatically ruled out of consideration. Lyell wanted, he wrote, "to free the science [of geology] from Moses". Regrettably, many people have uncritically adopted Lyell's philosophy, without considering how Noah’s flood can help us understand earth history. Lyell changed the way many people think, but his approach was motivated by his anti-biblical philosophy, not an objective study of the evidence. Indeed, it is very difficult to explain earth's history without Noah's Flood.
07 Oct, 201601:01
Canyon creation

Canyon creation

Do canyons really need millions of years to form?
05 Oct, 2016
Mammoth-riddle of the Ice Age

Mammoth-riddle of the Ice Age

Woolly mammoths and a biblical explanation.
28 Sep, 2016
Uniformitarianism and the age of the earth

Uniformitarianism and the age of the earth

Uniformitarianism is the concept that only processes observed today (slow sedimentation, slow erosion) should be used to explain the history of the rocks. It has been the primary way geological data has been interpreted for the last 200 years. Learn its anti-biblical origin and see how it has lead geology astray since its inception into mainstream science.
14 Sep, 201628:30
Antarctica was once very warm

Antarctica was once very warm

What are the Creation/Flood model implications?
26 Aug, 2016
Inconsistencies in the plate tectonics model

Inconsistencies in the plate tectonics model

The latest research on plate tectonics models.
05 Aug, 2016
Grand Canyon strata supports Noah's Flood

Grand Canyon strata supports Noah's Flood

Did you know that the rock layers in the Grand Canyon provide strong evidence for the Biblical Flood? The Grand Canyon, with its distinctive layers exposed in the canyon walls, has been carved through a high plateau. However, if we follow the layers into the eastern part of Arizona, we see the same rock units about a mile lower in elevation. In this area, we see significant folding of the layers. According to conventional geology, this uplift and folding occurred long after the sediments had hardened into rock, so it should have caused significant fracturing of the rocks. But this is not what we find. Instead, it appears that the layers—which supposedly represent 300 million years of earth history—have undergone plastic deformation, without fracturing. This suggests the sediments were soft and unconsolidated when they bent. This contradicts evolutionary earth history, but it fits nicely with the layers forming during the Biblical Flood and being bent before they had become hard rock.
29 Jul, 201601:01
Wilpena Pound Australia

Wilpena Pound Australia

The geology of Wilpena Pound and how the cataclysm of Noah’s Flood explains it.
16 Jun, 2016
Solar activity and little ice age

Solar activity and little ice age

The Maunder Minimum and severe winters.
29 Apr, 2016
If there was a global flood, what would we expect to find?

If there was a global flood, what would we expect to find?

If the biblical flood of Noah happened, what would we expect to find in geology, paleontology and ancient history?
08 Apr, 201601:25
North Sea Megaflood

North Sea Megaflood

How floods shaped the British Isles.
12 Jun, 2009