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What would Noah have observed coming off the Ark?

What would Noah have observed coming off the Ark?

What would Noah have observed coming off the Ark? Spelga Dam and the post-Flood world.
04 Sep, 2018
The problem of the wet Sahara

The problem of the wet Sahara

Both creationists and uniformitarians have trouble explaining how the Sahara become a desert.
10 Aug, 2018
Much supposed geological time missing from strata

Much supposed geological time missing from strata

The rock record is mostly gap with very little record, according to deep time.
27 Jul, 2018
Do something about Mammoth Cave, Kentucky

Do something about Mammoth Cave, Kentucky

Ideas to address the evolutionary teaching at Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky.
21 Jul, 2018
Why no mention of the Ice Age in the Bible?

Why no mention of the Ice Age in the Bible?

Why people living in the Middle East during the post-Flood Ice Age did not write about it.
16 Jun, 2018
Earth impacts and the faint young sun

Earth impacts and the faint young sun

Do large impacts on the early Earth help explain the faint young sun paradox?
27 Apr, 2018
Do rivers erode through mountains?

Do rivers erode through mountains?

River gaps through mountains.
02 Jun, 2008
Noahs Flood explains boulder deposits

Noahs Flood explains boulder deposits

Rounded hard rocks transported great distances across the continents are evidence of Noah’s Flood.
09 Apr, 2018
Message in a bottle

Message in a bottle

A bottle encased in solid rock proves fossils dont require millions of years.
28 Mar, 2018
How many impact craters should there be on the earth

How many impact craters should there be on the earth

Our Earth, the moon, asteroids and impact craters.
23 Mar, 2018
Recessive Stage of Flood began in the mid-Cretaceous and eroded kilometres of sediment from continent

Recessive Stage of Flood began in the mid-Cretaceous and eroded kilometres of sediment from continent

The geology of south-west Western Australia reveals that the global Flood eroded kilometres of sediment from the continent.
26 Jan, 2018
Sedimentary blankets - evidence for Noah's Flood

Sedimentary blankets - evidence for Noah's Flood

One of the remarkable things about the geologic record is that blankets of sediments cover vast areas of the continents. In his book, The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record, evolutionary geologist Professor Derek Ager marvelled at the way sedimentary layers extended for thousands of kilometres, even across continents. He was particularly impressed with the chalk beds that form the famous White Cliffs of Dover in Southern England, as these trace all the way to Turkey and Egypt. The strata exposed in the walls of the Grand Canyon provide another example. Some of these sedimentary formations extend thousands of kilometres across North America. Such vast sedimentary layers suggest that geological processes must have occurred in the past that we don’t observe today. Sedimentary deposits forming today are localised and confined to river deltas, lakebeds and along narrow strips of coastline. Sedimentary blankets covering vast areas are exactly what we would expect if the global flood recorded in the Bible actually occurred.
19 Jan, 201801:00
Biblical geology summary

Biblical geology summary

A simple summary of the assumptions and methodology behind biblical geology.
18 Jan, 2018
Impacts and Noahs Flood

Impacts and Noahs Flood

Asteroid impacts and the catastrophe of the Great Deluge.
12 Jan, 2018
Petrified flour

Petrified flour

Can a sack of flour petrify in just a matter of weeks?
22 Nov, 2017
Unstable Mount Mannen surprises geologists

Unstable Mount Mannen surprises geologists

A mountain in Norway threatens to send a devastating landslide into the valley below.
21 Nov, 2017