Hemizygosity and post-Flood diversificationThe hemizygosity hypothesis may explain how cryptic genetic information contained with created kinds enables them to diversify.Article01 Oct, 2021
White SquirrelsWhite squirrels are rare and the result of mutations, but how do they survive?Article30 Sep, 2021
Breaching the Weismann barrierThe Weismann barrier was important for the development of evolutionary thinking, but it is false.Article09 Sep, 2021
The Israelites: forging of a nationThe Israelites are in the Bible, but people tend to have an oversimplified understanding of the sons of Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham.Article02 Sep, 2021
‘Scientific research’—or depraved barbarity?Aborted babies scalps grafted to humanized mice to test immune responses to Staphylococcus aureus bacteria represents unethical research.Article26 Aug, 2021
Review: 'Spectacle' by Pamela NewkirkA review of Spectacle: The astonishing life of Ota Benga by Pamela Newkirk.Article13 Aug, 2021
Species were designed to change, part 3Species change over time, they also hybridize and split, according to the ‘braided baramin’ concept.Article12 Aug, 2021
Species were designed to change, part 2In the creation model, God made species so that they could change over time, but change does not equal evolution.Article22 Jul, 2021
Creation: a form of white supremacy?Allison Hopper claims in Scientific America that creation supports white supremacy, blacks are the mark of Cain, and ignores evolutionary history of racism.Article15 Jul, 2021
Robert Carter gets everything wrong?Skeptics make many false claims about creationism and creationists, specifically in the field of genetic entropy and concerning Mendel’s Accountant.Article10 Jul, 2021
Deer mice Nebraskan A colour mutation that camouflages deer mice against a sandy background is a great example of natural selection.Article15 Jan, 2018
Genetics supports a biblical model of human originsGenetics has created confusion for evolutionary hypotheses of human origins, but confirmed the biblical framework.Article25 Jun, 2021
Yellow penguinUnique yellow penguin likely a mutation losing the ability to produce melanin, and is not evolution in action.Article14 Jun, 2021
Supposed billion-year-old fossil balls evidence created complexityFossilized balls of cells demonstrate cell-cell adhesion and differentiation, providing more evidence for complex multicellularity, one billion years ago.Article01 Jun, 2021
Polka-dotted zebraThe polka-dotted offspring of plains zebra is the result of pseudomelanism mutation.Article19 Apr, 2021
Genetic entropy and the gospelMultiple pieces of evidence support the idea of genetic entropy, but if it is true there is no hope for the human race outside of the second coming of Jesus Christ.Article06 Apr, 2021