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The theory of human evolution gave rise to racist ideas post-Darwin and it still permeates society today.
07 Apr, 2011
Pre-adamites and human fossils

Pre-adamites and human fossils

There is evidence of violence, disease and premature death throughout the human fossil record, so it must be placed after the Fall or the Fall becomes theologically meaningless.
25 Mar, 2011
Epigenetics and Darwin

Epigenetics and Darwin

Darwin later rejected pure Darwinism for Lamarckism and now discoveries in epigenetics suggest that inheritance of acquired characteristics does occur.
01 Mar, 2011
Origin of life critique

Origin of life critique

A review and critique of origin of life scientific models
18 Feb, 2011
Y Adam sea floor

Y Adam sea floor

Y chromosome evidence fits with biblical history, and there is no connection between ocean floor life and the Cambrian explosion
22 Jan, 2011
Chimp Y chromosome

Chimp Y chromosome

The chimp Y chromosome is radically different to the human Y chromosome, contradicting evolutionary expectations.
16 Dec, 2010
Transposon amplification

Transposon amplification

Transposon amplification in genomes supports rapid post-Flood diversification of baramins and contradicts the expectations of microbes-to-man evolution.
10 Dec, 2010
Laws of information 2

Laws of information 2

The scientific laws of information show materialistic evolution is analogous to a perpetual motion machine, rendering materialistic evolution scientifically impossible.
12 Nov, 2010
Human ape fused chromosomes paradigm

Human ape fused chromosomes paradigm

In our alleged descent from apes, evolutionists claim that two chimp chromosomes fused to become one, but the power of the evolutionary paradigm trumps other superior scientific explanations.
11 Nov, 2010
Laws of information 1

Laws of information 1

The scientific laws of information show information is non-material and cannot be reduced to the interaction of matter and energy, which means information in biology cannot be explained by materialist
05 Nov, 2010
Order or chaos?

Order or chaos?

Chaos theory is useful in describing some natural phenomena but it does not help evolution.
07 Jul, 2010
Neutral Model of evolution recent African origins

Neutral Model of evolution recent African origins

The Recent African Origins theory cannot explain human origins because it assumes the Standard Neutral Model of evolution, which cannot mimic real-world mutation and natural selection rates.
02 Jul, 2010
Splicing and dicing the human genome

Splicing and dicing the human genome

The ENCODE project revealed that alternative splicing was so all-pervasive in the human genome that scientists have begun looking for a splicing code that governs the process.
29 Jun, 2010
Neandertal mitochondrial genome

Neandertal mitochondrial genome

Sequencing of Neandertal mitochondrial genome suggests Sequencing of Neandertal mitochondrial genome suggests that Neandertals are outside the range of modern human variation but this does not necessarily conflict with the creationist position that Neandertals lived after the Flood and are fully human.
25 Jun, 2010
Neandertal genome like ours

Neandertal genome like ours

The Neandertal genome is very similar to modern humans, to the surprise of evolutionists, but fits the Bibles history.
01 Jun, 2010
Single cell irony

Single cell irony

Materialists scoff at the idea that the first embryonic cell of Jesus arose miraculously, but they accept that the first living cell arose spontaneously.
18 May, 2010