Intelligent InkThe supposed evolutionary origin of DNA coding systems is little more than a fairy tale since information cannot arise from mere matterArticle20 Jan, 2015
African invasion of the bodysnatchersDarwin-inspired bodysnatchers used various methods to source the remains of native people from Africa, Australia and other countries.Article21 Sep, 2014
Sharks denizens of the deepSharks are reputed to have evolved, yet the fossil record shows stasis, and sharks have special features reflecting design, not evolution.Article21 May, 2014
Teenage mutant ninja peopleSuperhero, mutation, damage, Unlike superhero comics, mutations damage DNA; they dont invent new, more complex traits.Article14 Apr, 2014
Information and the origin of life - Did cells write their own software?What is something computers and humans have in common which constantly needs upgrading in computers but not in humans? The answer is software. You might not have realized that you have software but inside the nucleus of each of your cells a program is written in the form of three billion DNA letters.Video11 Apr, 201400:59
Do we all come from two people? Many scientists say that the evidence from genetics incontrovertibly shows humans did not originate from a single pair. This episode looks at specific arguments by bible skeptics and shows how wrong they are.Video09 Apr, 201428:31
Biblical biologyBiblical biology involves the initial design of life, the natural variation and adaptability to environmental change, and inevitable degeneration from which only God can save us.Article26 Dec, 2013
Review Philip Pattemore My Keepers BrotherA review of Am I My Keepers Brother?--Human Origins From A Christian And Scientific Perspective by Philip Pattemore.Article06 Dec, 2013
Beetles ... natures workaholicsBeetles were created by God, and the evidence reflects that.Article20 Nov, 2013
Belgian Blue Cows - evidence of 'de-volution'If Arnold Schwarzenegger had a pet cow, I can almost guarantee it would be a Belgian Blue. These cows are incredibly muscled and have very little fat. Many people think of this breed as evolution in action—because a mutation in its DNA has brought about a supposed improvement.Video30 Oct, 201301:00
What does it mean to be humanGenetic engineering will not result in people who cannot be saved or animals that can.Article24 Oct, 2013
Ool still too hardIn discussing a number of mistakes and fallacies perpetrated by a prominent internet atheist, Don Batten shows a naturalistic origin of life remains practically impossible.Article14 Jul, 2013
Culture vs intelligenceCultural differences explain why some people groups advanced more quickly than others.Article20 Apr, 2013
Sickle Cell Anemia -- not evidence for evolutionIn some parts of Africa, it is actually an advantage to have mutated, oddly-shaped red blood cells.Video16 Apr, 201300:59
Wonders of Life 1Professor Brian Cox claims that the laws of physics can explain the evolution of life.Article30 Mar, 2013