Syntax in genesis 1Correct exegesis with close attention to syntax and semantics supports the plain reading of Genesis 1 and refutes the gap theoryArticle18 Mar, 2011
Strategy of the DevilSatan is alive and well. He uses the same tactics today to cause people to disregard God as he used on Eve in the garden of Eden. What are they?Article22 Sep, 2010
Indian creation mythsNative American creation and flood stories and so called Indian creation myths share a common unity with the book of Genesis.Article10 Jun, 2010
Is Genesis poetry / figurative, a theological argument (polemic) and thus not history?Is Genesis poetry / figurative, a theological argument (polemic) and thus not history?Article30 Nov, 2007
Genesis the seedbed of all Christian doctrineMajor Christian doctrines and their connection with GenesisArticle11 May, 2007