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Biologos Jesus age earth

Biologos Jesus age earth

Ted Davis, theistic evolutionist at BioLogos, makes a vain attempt to evade Jesus’ teaching on the age of the earth.
25 Jan, 2018
Josephus says, ‘Genesis means what it says!’

Josephus says, ‘Genesis means what it says!’

Jewish historian Josephus.
26 May, 2008
Biologos fails with ‘Is Genesis History’ critique

Biologos fails with ‘Is Genesis History’ critique

Response to Biologos critique of Is Genesis History
22 Jun, 2017
The meaning of yôm in Genesis

The meaning of yôm in Genesis

Genesis days and the meaning of yôm.
27 Mar, 2009
Jesus Genesis

Jesus Genesis

Jesus quotes Genesis and references consistent with history.
11 Jul, 2015
Genesis in clay

Genesis in clay

cuneiform, tablet, Genesis, flood, Gilgamesh, epic, Nippur A cuneiform tablet from Nippur makes clear that the Genesis account of the Flood was not derived from the Gilgamesh epic.
06 Apr, 2015
The Resurrection and Genesis

The Resurrection and Genesis

Genesis is the foundation of the Gospel and central to Easter because it explains the origin of everything that Christ came to remedy.
10 Apr, 2009
Psychology and Genesis

Psychology and Genesis

Why do people have psychological problems?
28 Jan, 2015
Ancient Egypt confirms Genesis

Ancient Egypt confirms Genesis

Genesis as reliable history.
22 Dec, 2014
Genesis confirmed in clay

Genesis confirmed in clay

Clay tablet fragment confirms Genesis Flood account.
27 Jun, 2014
Genesis 13 undermines gap theory

Genesis 13 undermines gap theory

An instructive lesson from Genesis 13:1-3 helps clear away Gap Theory ideas some people entertain about Genesis 1:1-3.
03 Sep, 2013
Is Genesis 1 Just Reworked Babylonian Myth

Is Genesis 1 Just Reworked Babylonian Myth

The idea that Genesis one is copied from Babylonian myth is not supported by the evidence
04 Jun, 2013
The Resurrection and Genesis

The Resurrection and Genesis

Was Jesus resurrection was a historical event?
18 Jul, 2011
Review Walton the lost world of genesis one

Review Walton the lost world of genesis one

A review of The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate by John H. Walton
27 Jan, 2012
John macarthur interview

John macarthur interview

John MacArthurshares his insights on the church, Genesis, and the interpretation of Scripture in an interview for Creation magazine.
26 Dec, 2011
Interpreting Genesis as history

Interpreting Genesis as history

Interpreting Genesis as reliable history is foundational to, and woven throughout the fabric of, the very gospel of salvation itself.
19 Mar, 2011