Sevens in the BibleSevens outside the weekly Sabbath in Israels calendar do not undermine God creating everything in a literal week.Article07 Aug, 2021
‘Fruit’ in Romans 6 and Genesis 3An allusion to Genesis 3 in Romans 6:20–23 links Adams historical sin to Jesus historical sin-bearing death.Article07 May, 2021
Review of Since the Beginning: Interpreting Genesis 1 and 2 through the ages by Kyle Greenwood (Ed.)Since the Beginning is a biased, liberal history of Genesis interpretion, trying to get around creation in six days.Article16 Apr, 2021
Review of Genesis: God, Creation, and Destruction by Dennis PragerReview of Genesis: God, Creation and Destruction by Dennis Prager—a curious mixture of theological liberalism and social conservatismArticle26 Feb, 2021
God not nice?God killed the entire population of the earth, except Noah and his family, during the Flood. Was this evil?Article06 Feb, 2021
Top Ten Biblical Problems for Young Earth Creationism—AnsweredResponse to top ten biblical problems for creationism video by YouTube apologist Inspiring Philosophy (Michael Jones).Article21 Jan, 2021
Providing hope during the COVID-19 pandemic and the difference creation versus evolution makes.Genesis Creation provides foundation for understanding origin of suffering in God’s good creation and its ultimate expulsion.Article14 Jan, 2021
William Lane Craig creation and anthropologyResponding to recent William Lane Craig statements about creation and the historical Adam and Eve.Article13 Aug, 2020
Did God make Adam ‘half-female’?The X chromosome is not a female chromosome, and God didnt make Adam half-female.Article23 May, 2020
William Lane Craig flubs on the FloodWilliam Lane Craig, Genesis Account, Genesis Flood, Ice Age, Catastrophic Plate TectonicsArticle21 May, 2020
Reply to Richard Holloway’s patronizing letter to God Bishop blames Genesis for causing environmental damage.Article27 Feb, 2020
Pre-fall ecological crisis?Animals wouldnt overrun the world pre-Fall because God who blessed animals to fill the earth can also control ecology.Article18 Jan, 2020
Ancient cosmology and Genesis 1The supposed flat earth/solid sky’ ancient cosmology does not mean we can read the Genesis 1 days non-literally.Article03 Jan, 2020
Schrader Hebrew professorDr Stephen Schrader, former Old Testament Department Chair and Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament, explains importance of historical Genesis.Article11 Mar, 2019
The sixteen grandsons of NoahSecular history gives much evidence to show that the survivors of Noah’s Flood were real historical figures, whose names were indelibly carved on much of the ancient world …Article20 Apr, 2011