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End-times and Early-times

End-times and Early-times

With eschatological debates, the Bible is still the rule of faith, but with Genesis compromise, science has become the rule of faith.
13 Feb, 2013
John Nelson Darby, the Scofield Reference Bible, and the rise of old-earth

John Nelson Darby, the Scofield Reference Bible, and the rise of old-earth creationism

Darby and the Scofield Reference Bible advocated the Gap theory, which helped old-earth creationism grow among conservative evangelicals.
01 Dec, 2023
Should Genesis be taken literally

Should Genesis be taken literally

The evidence shows overwhelmingly that Genesis is an authentic, literal historical record of what actually happened.
01 Sep, 2010
More false claims by Hugh Ross

More false claims by Hugh Ross

Hugh Ross makes excuses for ignoring Refuting Compromise, and claims that YECs have ignored A Matter of Days
02 Jun, 2011
The Fall and ecosystem function

The Fall and ecosystem function

Ecosystems functioned somewhat differently before the Fall, but there are biological mechanisms that could have transformed the world post-Fall.
13 Oct, 2023
Why should we take scripture at face value?

Why should we take scripture at face value?

Compromise on Genesis leads to heresy, the doctrine of original sin is just 1 of many things that compromise corrupts.
05 Oct, 2023
The Genesis 5 and 11 fluidity question

The Genesis 5 and 11 fluidity question

Are there gaps in the genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11?
04 Jan, 2007
Genesis: Bible authors believed it to be history

Genesis: Bible authors believed it to be history

What did Jesus say about Genesis?
22 Mar, 2017
Genesis is history

Genesis is history

The language of Genesis shows that its history, e.g. the waw consecutive verbs, and thats how the rest of the Bible treats it.
06 Jul, 2015
Genesis contradictions?

Genesis contradictions?

Genesis chapters 1 and 2 are not contradictory; Chapter 1 is an overview and Chapter 2 provides details of Adam and Eve
10 Sep, 1997
Who really is the God of Genesis?

Who really is the God of Genesis?

Genesis portrays God as not only one, but more than one; this is confirmed in the New Testament which states that God created everything through Jesus.
21 Mar, 2012
Should we trust the Bible?

Should we trust the Bible?

Bible, text, authenticity, F.F. Bruce, Luke, Sir William Ramsay, Resurrection
30 Apr, 2012
Genesis 1 and 'seed faith'

Genesis 1 and 'seed faith'

The seed faith principle does not undermine a literal six-day creation.
27 Apr, 2023
Adam’s helper and God’s knowledge

Adam’s helper and God’s knowledge

Why did Adam have to look among the animals for a helper, if God already knew the outcome?
30 Mar, 2023
'Beginnings' before Genesis 1:1?

'Beginnings' before Genesis 1:1?

The dependent clause reading of Genesis 1:1 is not evidence that the Bible is compatible with deep time.
24 Jan, 2023
Creation and the Advent

Creation and the Advent

More important than the facts of creation is our Creator!
24 Dec, 2022