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A review of 'The Neanderthals Rediscovered'

A review of 'The Neanderthals Rediscovered'

A review of The Neanderthals Rediscovered by Dimitra Papagianni and Michael A. Morse.
21 Jun, 2019
Sulfur bacteria stasis

Sulfur bacteria stasis

Modern South American sulfur bacteria are indistinguishable from Western Australian sulfur bacteria fossils—2.3 billion years of “extreme evolutiona
17 Jun, 2019
Stunning trace fossils showing dinosaur skin in high definition

Stunning trace fossils showing dinosaur skin in high definition

A dinosaur high-definition footprint found with raindrops is an excellent example of a trace fossil showing rapid processes in action.
06 Jun, 2019
Dinosaur footprints at Karoola station, Australia

Dinosaur footprints at Karoola station, Australia

Dinosaur footprints at Karoola Station were made as the waters of Noah’s Flood were nearing their peak on earth
09 May, 2019
Opalised fossils or pseudofossils

Opalised fossils or pseudofossils

Opals and opalised fossils can form quickly under the right conditions.
01 Apr, 2019
Sea pens

Sea pens

Sea pens are living fossils, supposedly remaining essentially the same for 560 million years, contra evolution.
28 Jan, 2019
More fossil range expansions

More fossil range expansions

Continued expansion of evolutionary fossil time ranges show evolutionary story is contradictory and confused.
18 Jan, 2019
The Alvis Delk human-dino footprints artefact

The Alvis Delk human-dino footprints artefact

Evidence lacking that the Alvis Delk artefact contains genuine human and dinosaur footprints so artefact has no apologetic value
05 Jan, 2019
Mighty mites stifle evolutionists

Mighty mites stifle evolutionists

Arthropods found in amber said to be the same as modern gall mites.
03 Dec, 2018
Cambrian explosion points to creation not evolution

Cambrian explosion points to creation not evolution

The Cambrian explosion supports the creation account and not evolutionary conjecture.
21 Nov, 2018
The Cal Orcko (‘Lime Hill’) dinosaur trackways

The Cal Orcko (‘Lime Hill’) dinosaur trackways

Thousands of dinosaur tracks in Bolivia’s Cal Orcko cliff face are evidence of the global Flood recorded in the Bible.
05 Nov, 2018
Whale evolution: Are Maiacetus inuus, Indohyus, and Dorudon ‘missing links’?

Whale evolution: Are Maiacetus inuus, Indohyus, and Dorudon ‘missing links’?

Are Maiacetus, Indohyus and Dorudons missing links and do they prove whale evolution?
27 Oct, 2018
Do these skulls prove common ancestry between apes and humans?

Do these skulls prove common ancestry between apes and humans?

Do skulls prove common ancestry between apes and humans, and is the hobbit specimen human.
06 Oct, 2018
No evolution of sulfur-cycling bacteria

No evolution of sulfur-cycling bacteria

An alleged 1.8 billion years results in no evolution in these rapidly-reproducing, sulfur-cycling bacteria
28 Sep, 2018
Deadly plant’s flowers in amber deadly to evolution

Deadly plant’s flowers in amber deadly to evolution

The discovery of flowers of strychnine-bearing Strychnos plants in amber is ‘deadly’ to evolution.
26 Sep, 2018
Did feathered dinosaurs exist?

Did feathered dinosaurs exist?

Feathered dinosaurs, bird evolution, avian lung, Archaeopteryx, Caudipteryx, Sinosauropteryx, Feduccia, Storrs Olson, Larry Martin, Theagarten Lingham-Soliar
07 Sep, 2018