The Salt Range sagaThe Salt Range of Punjab Pakistan has yielded some very interesting fossils—that according to evolution should not have been found!Article16 Jul, 2020
Review: ‘Faith and Fossils’A review of Faith and Fossils: The Bible, creation, and evolution by Lester Grabbe.Article03 Jul, 2020
Paleozoic Corals and Lunar RecessionPaleozoic corals show banding that supposedly proves the earth had a shorter day in the distant past due to tidal breaking.Article20 Jun, 2020
Hell Creek Formation supports the BibleMarine shark fossils have been found with Tyrannosaurus rex fossils in the Hell Creek Formation, consistent with Noahs Flood.Article25 May, 2020
Dinosaur footprint treasure trove found in BritainDinosaur footprint treasure trove found in Britain likely formed as the land was progressively inundated during Noahs Flood.Article20 May, 2020
TapirTapirs are described as primitive living fossils, sharing homologous features with horses and rhinos—but these assumptions are rarely challenged.Article18 May, 2020
Baby snake fossil defies evolutionNewest baby snake fossil Xiaophis myanmarensis defies evolution by showing snakes in the fossils fully formed.Article06 May, 2020
Fake spider fossil passes peer review! What lessons should be learnt?Fake spider fossil Mongolarachne chaoyangensis passed peer review, actually a crayfish, but lessons should be learned in the worldview war.Article23 Apr, 2020
Where do the fossils fit?How old are fossils? When was the fossil record produced? Could fossils have existed when God called His creation "very good"? The answer to these questions have profound effects on the Gospel. Tune for the answers in this mind expanding episode.Podcast18 Mar, 202023:51
Dinosaurs and humans -- did they live together?What fossil evidence supports dinosaurs and humans living at the same time? Do scientists ever find dinosaurs buried with animals that were not supposed to have evolved yet?Podcast04 Mar, 202024:49
The biggest dinosaur eggsEven the biggest dinosaur eggs show that dinosaurs started off small enough to fit on Noahs Ark.Article04 Mar, 2020
Oldest Pigment moleculesClaimed 1.1 billion year old pigment molecules make proper sense in the biblical framework of thousands of years.Article02 Mar, 2020
Competition between apex predatory dinosaurs pre-Flood?Answering questions on apex predator interactions pre-Flood, including dinosaurs like T. rex and Allosaurus.Article22 Feb, 2020
Dinosaur eggs point to the FloodFossilized dinosaur eggs are found throughout the world and their existence is difficult to explain.Article09 Oct, 2019
An overview of the Denisovan puzzleDenisovans interbred with Neandertals and modern humans, and are descendants of Adam.Article28 Jun, 2019