Supposed billion-year-old fossil balls evidence created complexityFossilized balls of cells demonstrate cell-cell adhesion and differentiation, providing more evidence for complex multicellularity, one billion years ago.Article01 Jun, 2021
Candles turned to stonePetrified candles demonstrate that plant and animals fossils require only decades —not millions of years—to turn into stoneArticle03 May, 2021
Ammonite in amberNoahs Flood provides a powerful context for explaining how sea and land creatures could be found together in amber.Article26 Apr, 2021
Giant dicynodontNew dicynodont fossil find causes another revision in the evolutionary story.Article01 Mar, 2021
Soft tissue in an ichthyosaur fossilSoft tissue preservation in a ‘Jurassic’ ichthyosaur is more evidence that fossils fit the biblical timeframe.Article20 Jan, 2021
The sophisticated NeandertalIs The Flintstones a more accurate picture of Neandertals than evolutionary documentaries?Article30 Dec, 2020
Spider eyes shining in the rocksSpider fossils entombed in rock still have reflective eyes and are perfectly preserved—pointing to rapid geological depositionArticle07 Dec, 2020
The polymer shield explanation for soft tissue fossilsThe polymer shield preservation model for soft tissue in fossils has several shortcomings and doesnt explain all the data.Article27 Nov, 2020
Where do fossils fit into the Bible?The answer to this question can dramatically impact the Gospel. Watch the full episode at []Video25 Nov, 202003:42
Sauropod trackways in waterFossil trackways show sauropods walking in water using only their forelimbs.Article23 Nov, 2020
Fossils: Evidence for Biblical creationFossils provide remarkable support for the Bible's account of history, beginning with creation and including a global flood. This week we focus on some fossils that are very difficult to fit into the 'millions of years' timescale, but fit wonderfully with the Bible.Podcast18 Nov, 202024:16
Fossils of pre-Flood artifactsAnswers to the question of why man-made artifacts from the pre-Flood world are not found as fossils.Article27 Oct, 2020
Ancient doodles in stone represent intriguing Ice-Age artArchaeologists discovered a small stone plaque, with intriguing abstract marks, possibly including Mammoth, Bison and horse in Jersey.Article22 Oct, 2020
Feathered pterosaursClaimed featherlike structures on two ptero-saurs are decayed collagen fibres thus challenging interpretation of ‘dino fuzz’ as feathers on dinosaurs.Article09 Oct, 2020
Fossil flip-flopEven after careful inspection fossils can be misinterpreted because a scientists assumptions of what could be affect what he actually sees.Article12 Jun, 2013