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Sensational dinosaur blood report!

Sensational dinosaur blood report!

Finding actual red blood cells in unfossilized dinosaur bones, along with evidence of hemoglobin, should not be possible if the millions of years are real; they should have disappeared long ago.
14 Sep, 1998
Sperm wail

Sperm wail

Exceptionally preserved sperm of cypridoidean ostracods at the fossil beds at Riversleigh, Queensland, Australia, defies age estimates of 17 million years.
14 Aug, 2014
A Christian view of geology, paleontology, and death

A Christian view of geology, paleontology, and death

A Christian/biblical view of history includes a Christian view of the sciences that relate to the creation/evolution debate. For more details watch the entire episode at: https://creation.com/cml9-04 [https://creation.com/cml9-04]
12 Apr, 202303:09
Ginkgo: a remarkable living fossil

Ginkgo: a remarkable living fossil

Hundreds of millions of years yet no evolution, and possessing an enormous genome, the ginkgo is baffling to Darwinists
03 Apr, 2023
Book review: 'Romancing the Birds and Dinosaurs'

Book review: 'Romancing the Birds and Dinosaurs'

A review of Romancing the Birds and Dinosaurs by Alan Feduccia.
10 Mar, 2023
The theological inconsistency of an old Earth

The theological inconsistency of an old Earth

Does God consider violent death, pain, diseases and cancer good? Not according to Scripture. But in old-earth theology these things had been going on for millions of years, as recorded in the fossil record, including when God called His creation 'very good'. For more details watch the entire episode at: https://creation.com/cml9-04 [https://creation.com/cml9-04]
08 Mar, 202302:23
Astounding ammonite

Astounding ammonite

Ammolite is a rare, iridescent, gem cut from the fossilized shells of extinct sea creatures known as ammonites, buried in Noah’s Flood.
20 Feb, 2023


Evidence of rapidly buried Scelidosaurus specimens separated by layers dated millennia apart calls into question uniformitarian dates.
30 Dec, 2022
Biomimetic robots demonstrates brilliant ammonite locomotion

Biomimetic robots demonstrates brilliant ammonite locomotion

3D printed biomimetic robots demonstrate ammonites are intelligently designed to swim.
08 Dec, 2022
Museum 'apemen' challenged by evolutionists

Museum 'apemen' challenged by evolutionists

Even evolutionists are concerned about the way ‘apemen’ fossils are depicted in museums affected by non-scientific bias.
30 Nov, 2022
Coelacanth: transitional fossil?

Coelacanth: transitional fossil?

Coelacanths are not transitional fossils, and are consistent with biblical creation.
28 Nov, 2022
Fossils: evidence something happened quickly, not slowly

Fossils: evidence something happened quickly, not slowly

Many people were taught that fossils are evidence of things happening slowly over millions of years. But they’re not. On this week’s episode, find out why standard evolutionary explanations for fossil formation don’t work.
16 Nov, 202224:12
Neanderthal hearing

Neanderthal hearing

Neanderthals hearing characteristics were like modern man rather than australopiths or modern apes.
04 Nov, 2022
Cephalopods' 'earliest' ancestor - no signs of evolution

Cephalopods' 'earliest' ancestor - no signs of evolution

Well-preserved fossil of soft bodied earliest cephalopod ancestor looks just like modern squid, evidence for the Flood.
18 Oct, 2022
Book review: 'The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries'

Book review: 'The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries'

A review of The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries by Donald Prothero.
30 Sep, 2022
Philip Worts interview

Philip Worts interview

Tas Walker talks to Philip Worts about geology and ground-breaking discoveries
26 Sep, 2022