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Evolutionary Stasis -- Double-speak and Propaganda

Evolutionary Stasis -- Double-speak and Propaganda

For more details visit: https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-56 [https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-56]
16 Sep, 201110:00
Wood petrified in spring - Creationist's rapid claims recognized

Wood petrified in spring - Creationist's rapid claims recognized

For more details visit: https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-49 [https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-49]
15 Sep, 201109:58
That quote: about the missing transitional fossils

That quote: about the missing transitional fossils

For more details visit: https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-39 [https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-39]
09 Aug, 201109:59
Fossils wrong place

Fossils wrong place

Evolutionary time ranges of fossils are continually being expanded millions of years earlier and later, throwing greater doubt on the
02 May, 2011
The Dating Game

The Dating Game

Crucial to any worldview, the age of the earth has been a wedge deeply splitting Christianity. The rocks and fossils are a story interpreted by a person’s predetermined worldview. Let’s have a look together at some geological features used to ‘read time’ and hear how they whisper “The earth is young!”—just as the Bible would indicate.
28 Apr, 2011
Werner living fossils

Werner living fossils

Fossils of many animals and plants living today are found in dinosaur-era strata, displaying stasis, contrary to evolutionary expectations.
23 Feb, 2011
Fascinating fossil fence-wire

Fascinating fossil fence-wire

It is commonly believed that rocks take millions of years to form but some fossilized fencing wire show how it can happen quickly
15 Dec, 2010
Oldest fossil shrimp

Oldest fossil shrimp

Aciculopoda mapesi, a Devonian shrimp fossil, is the oldest shrimp fossil known, and provides an example of evolutionary stasis, which is meaningless for evolution.
30 Nov, 2010
Review Neil Shubin Your Inner Fish

Review Neil Shubin Your Inner Fish

A review of Your Inner Fish: A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body by Neil Shubin
30 Jul, 2010
Neandertal mitochondrial genome

Neandertal mitochondrial genome

Sequencing of Neandertal mitochondrial genome suggests Sequencing of Neandertal mitochondrial genome suggests that Neandertals are outside the range of modern human variation but this does not necessarily conflict with the creationist position that Neandertals lived after the Flood and are fully human.
25 Jun, 2010
Mammal hair in amber

Mammal hair in amber

Well preserved mammal hairs found in Cretaceous amber show that mammals like modern mammals lived with the dinosaurs.
22 Jun, 2010
Amber needed water

Amber needed water

New research reveals a clue as to how aquatic organisms (e.g. barnacles, clams) became entombed in amber.
07 Jun, 2010
Neandertal genome like ours

Neandertal genome like ours

The Neandertal genome is very similar to modern humans, to the surprise of evolutionists, but fits the Bibles history.
01 Jun, 2010
The Painted Neandertal

The Painted Neandertal

New evidence that Neandertals produced and stored cosmetics consigns the brutish Stone Age image of Neandertal to the scrapheap of evolutionary history
20 May, 2010
Evolution of multicellularity: what is required?

Evolution of multicellularity: what is required?

The many simultaneous requirements for a viable multi-celled animal make it impossible for them to have evolved from single celled organisms.
07 May, 2010
Muscle and blood in fossil

Muscle and blood in fossil

Muscle and blood found in a well-preserved salamander fossil dated at 18 million years show that the fossil cannot be that old
11 Nov, 2009