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Stasis - Another problem for evolution from the fossil record

Stasis - Another problem for evolution from the fossil record

In nature documentaries and science text books, one often hears about creatures that arrived at their body plan very early in evolutionary history and have not made any real changes since that time, supposedly millions of years ago. These are called 'living fossils'—like the coelacanth and the Wollemi pine. This phenomenon is known as stasis, things staying pretty much the same. And it turns out that pretty much every animal in the entire fossil record appears suddenly and shows this same history of stasis. This was not predicted by evolution!
05 Nov, 201201:00
Bird evolution

Bird evolution

The popular belief in dino-to-bird evolution is based on a flawed cladistics analysis. Some feathered dinosaurs are likely true birds like Archaeopteryx, while others do not have real feathers.
19 Oct, 2012
The key to understanding earth history: The global flood

The key to understanding earth history: The global flood

Over three chapters, the book of Genesis vividly describes a worldwide flood that began with the all the fountains of the great deep bursting forth, and the floodgates of heaven being opened.
15 Oct, 201201:00


Cladistics is a method of analysing patterns of biological similarity in the fossils developed by evolutionists for evolutionists, yet it fails to demonstrate evolution or even biological reality.
12 Oct, 2012
Horsetail living fossil

Horsetail living fossil

Horsetails are one of many ‘living fossils’, i.e. just the same as the fossil forms. Evolutionary stasis is not evidence of evolution!
17 Sep, 2012
Golden oldie

Golden oldie

Koelreuteria fossils allegedly 50 million years old are just the same as Koelreuteria paniculata, the panicled golden raintree, a ‘living fossil’.
12 Sep, 2012
Carboniferous floating forest 2

Carboniferous floating forest 2

The structure of the root system of Upper Carboniferous lycopods favours the floating forest hypothesis of Kuntze regarding the formation of Paleozoic coal layers.
31 Aug, 2012
Living fossil ray

Living fossil ray

A living Shovelnose Ray is identical to a Jurassic fossil ray, a living fossil, bringing into question both evolution and geological time.
26 Mar, 2012
15 Questions for Evolutionists -- #10 How do 'living fossils' stay the same for millions of years?

15 Questions for Evolutionists -- #10 How do 'living fossils' stay the same for millions of years?

Living fossils are fossilized animals and plants that look similar to modern organisms. Random mutations would have been occurring in creatures throughout such supposed vast time periods separating the assumed ancient and modern organisms. How then would 'living fossils' remain unchanged over supposed hundreds of millions of years, if evolution has changed worms into humans in the same time frame?
22 Mar, 201214:30
Fast octopus fossils reveal no evolution

Fast octopus fossils reveal no evolution

How can soft tissue be fossilized if the rock that contains the fossils was laid down over a long period? Five exquisitely preserved octopus fossils defy the idea that sedimentary rocks form slowly. Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss this amazing article from Creation magazine.
20 Mar, 201210:00
Blood in Unfossilized dinosaur bone

Blood in Unfossilized dinosaur bone

Dinosaur Fossils Did you know that there are many physical evidences on earth to contradict the "billions of years" that evolution teaches. Like the red blood cells and hemoglobin that have been found in an unfossilized dinosaur bone. Evolutionists believe that dinosaurs died 65 million years ago, but discoveries like this one contradict that belief. The Bible says that land animals - which would have included dinosaurs - were made on Day 6 of the creation week. There is no contradiction between what the Bible says and evidence that dinosaurs lived recently.
19 Mar, 201200:43
15 Questions for Evolutionists -- #9 Why are the (expected) transitional fossils missing?

15 Questions for Evolutionists -- #9 Why are the (expected) transitional fossils missing?

Question 9 in CMI's '15 Questions for Evolutionists' flyer has plagued evolutionists since the time of Darwin. Where are the transitional fossils? Evolutionary paleontologists have stated that the "missing links" are still missing and some, such as the late Stephen J. Gould, have suggested new ways of interpreting the fossil record due to the lack of transitional fossils.
16 Mar, 201214:41
Fossil range expansions

Fossil range expansions

Further expansion of evolutionary fossil time ranges introduces further contradiction and confusion into the evolutionary
20 Jan, 2012
Living fossils erv function

Living fossils erv function

Evolutionary stasis is inconsistent with established mutation rates
08 Oct, 2011
Evolution exams fossil fallacies

Evolution exams fossil fallacies

How to answer questions about evolution: whether for course credit on an exam or to clear up misconceptions about fossils
01 Oct, 2011
Tiktaalik finished

Tiktaalik finished

Tetrapod footprints found in Poland predate the famous fossil sea-to-land evolutionary sequence that includes Tiktaalik roseae
26 Sep, 2011