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Big-eye brain-less Neandertal nonsense

Big-eye brain-less Neandertal nonsense

Neandertal skulls had slightly larger eye sockets than
23 May, 2013
Gladiator—an 'extinct' insect is found alive

Gladiator—an 'extinct' insect is found alive

Dubbed gladiator insects because of the armour covering them as nymphs, and previously thought extinct for millions of years, theyve been found living in Namibia.
08 May, 2013
Polystrate Fossils: evidence against millions of years

Polystrate Fossils: evidence against millions of years

Most people are under the impression that coal forms slowly in swamps over millions of years. But this view neglects the testimony of tree trunk fossils that cut across many coal layers, known as polystrate fossils. If these tree trunks were buried gradually over thousands of years the top parts of the trees would have rotted away before they could be protected by sediment.
07 May, 201301:00
Hydroplate theory

Hydroplate theory

Walt Browns Hydroplate theory is wide ranging but lacks much in-depth analysis, has implausible initial conditions, and data is often arbitrarily fitted to the model.
07 Apr, 2013
Where do the fossils fit?

Where do the fossils fit?

How old are fossils? When was the fossil record produced? Could fossils have existed when God called His creation "very good"? The answer to these questions have profound effects on the Gospel. Tune for the answers in this mind expanding episode.
03 Apr, 201328:20
The Cambrian Explosion

The Cambrian Explosion

When most people hear the word 'explosion', they often think of destroyed buildings and injured people. But geologists have long recognized a different type of 'explosion' in earth's sedimentary rocks, known as the Cambrian explosion.
28 Mar, 201300:59
Wollemi Pine - a living fossil

Wollemi Pine - a living fossil

When scientists announced the discovery of the Wollemi Pine in Australia, in 1994, it caused a sensation. Some reported that it was like finding a living dinosaur, because the tree was only known from fossils in 'Jurassic' rocks. That would make it extinct for 150 million years, by evolutionary reckoning.
19 Mar, 201300:59
Mammal ear evolution

Mammal ear evolution

Liaoconodon hui is a new supposed transitional form between reptiles and modern mammals because of its unique ear bone morphology, but there are numerous problems with this designation.
22 Feb, 2013
Death Throes -- Dinosaur fossil posture suggests asphyxiation

Death Throes -- Dinosaur fossil posture suggests asphyxiation

Dinosaur fossils are often found in an unusual posture, characterized by their head thrown back, hind-limbs bent and tails extended. Over the years scientists have proposed different theories to explain this puzzling phenomenon.
11 Feb, 201300:59
Dodging living fossils

Dodging living fossils

Evolutionists must face up to living fossils; evolutionary stasis is not evidence of evolution!
11 Feb, 2013


Puijila, a fossil mammal, is claimed to be transitional between land and sea mammals, ancestor of the pinnipeds, but it is an otter.
31 Jan, 2013
The Sydney Pygmy Pipehorse

The Sydney Pygmy Pipehorse

The lack of transitional fossils and the design inherent in the air bladder and role-reversal mode of reproduction of the algae-camouflaged Sydney Pygmy Pipehorse defies evolutionary explanation.
14 Jan, 2013
Living fossils enigma

Living fossils enigma

Living fossils such as Gingko trees, crocodiles, horseshoe crabs, coelacanth fish, tuatara lizards, Lingula lamp shells and Neopilina molluscs are a conundrum for evolution.
26 Dec, 2012
Reinforcement Syndrome within evolutionism

Reinforcement Syndrome within evolutionism

In 1923, American Microscopist, Theophilus Painter, announced to the world that humans had 48 chromosomes. This number was repeated like a mantra for several decades until plant cytologist, Albert Levan, announced in 1956 that it was wrong. The actual number is 46.
14 Dec, 201200:59
Dino DNA bone cells

Dino DNA bone cells

Dino bone has DNA in just the right positions to be from the dino. But measured rates of DNA decay in bones prohibit survival for 65 million years.
11 Dec, 2012


Rodhocetus is promoted as a key transition between land animals and whales but new fossil evidence shows that it did not have tail flukes and flippers.
03 Dec, 2012