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Fossil forest surprisingly complex

Fossil forest surprisingly complex

What kinds of trees are found in early forests?
03 Jun, 2016
Which History Fits Best? – Ep 3 – Fossils

Which History Fits Best? – Ep 3 – Fossils

Which history (Biblical history or the millions of years history) provides the best framework to account for scientific observations? On today's show contestants are asked which history best explains fossils.
18 May, 201602:50
Millions of years belief inconsistent with restored Earth

Millions of years belief inconsistent with restored Earth

Looking forward to living on the New Earth? It is, in many ways, a restoration to the original 'very good' creation with no sin, curse or death. But if you believe fossils (i.e. dead things) existed before Adam sinned, then what's the restored Earth going to be like?
29 Apr, 201602:25
Radiometric backflip

Radiometric backflip

Dating, radiometric, radioisotope, re-dating, Late Triassic, bird footprints, global Flood, alleged bird evolution, reliability, backflip, Santo Domingo formation Scientists radioisotope dated a rock formation and gave it a Late Triassic age, but bird footprints resulted in a new radiometric date 175 million years younger
18 Apr, 2016
The caring Neandertal

The caring Neandertal

Neandertals are fully human.
13 Jan, 2016
Media bias hides the significance of Alaskan hadrosaur finds

Media bias hides the significance of Alaskan hadrosaur finds

Unpermineralized hadrosaur bones in Alaska pose problem for millions of years.
20 Oct, 2015
Dieting dinosaurs

Dieting dinosaurs

Many of the biggest dinosaurs, such as some of the long-necked sauropods like Brachiosaurus, Titanosaurus, and Apatosaurus, would have eaten colossal amounts of vegetation. So why do we find such a conspicuous absence of plants in rocks containing dinosaur fossils? Take for example the Morrison Formation in Montana, USA. Even though this Formation has yielded many dinosaur fossils, there is a startling scarcity of vegetation preserved. This phenomenon of ‘missing vegetation’ doesn’t just apply to dinosaurs. The Coconino Sandstone in the Grand Canyon has many animal track-ways, but it is almost devoid of plants. These rocks tell us something profound about earth history. They suggest that these deposits are not ecosystems buried over eons of time, otherwise we’d find more evidence of the plants that the animals ate. Instead, the evidence fits nicely with the biblical model of earth history, whereby these animals were transported and buried catastrophically, during Noah’s flood.
23 Sep, 201501:01
Homo naledi

Homo naledi

Does the Homo naledi discovery prove evolution?
22 Sep, 2015
Precambrian rabbits death knell for evolution

Precambrian rabbits death knell for evolution

Rabbit fossils in the Precambrian.
04 Sep, 2015
Pollen problem

Pollen problem

Fossil angiosperm pollen in middle Triassic rock means flowering plants always contemporaneous with dinosaurs.
10 Aug, 2015
No evolution for 3.5 billion years?

No evolution for 3.5 billion years?

Stromatolites are regarded by many as the oldest fossils on earth. They are interpreted as the remains of colonies of blue-green algae, or more accurately, cyanobacteria. The oldest ones are claimed to be 3.5 billion years old. Within this evolutionary perspective, one would expect these colonies to have radically changed, but remarkably, they are essentially the same today. Stromatolites, therefore, are classic examples of living fossils.
29 Jul, 201501:01
More evidence Australopithecus an extinct ape

More evidence Australopithecus an extinct ape

Australopithecus Lucy was an extinct ape, not a missing link.
29 May, 2015
Fossil mix ups – When fossils are found where they shouldn’t be

Fossil mix ups – When fossils are found where they shouldn’t be

Whoops! What happens when scientists find fossils in the ‘wrong’ evolutionary sequence? This week, learn how the neat, ordered sequence of fossils required by evolution theory has serious problems, but fits wonderfully with the Bible. The facts reveal that the evolutionary timeline is wrong.
22 Apr, 201528:31
Living Fossils: Fossils that debunk evolution

Living Fossils: Fossils that debunk evolution

‘Living Fossils’ are characterized as creatures found in the fossil record (supposedly millions of years old) that are seemingly identical to creatures living today. This is a thorny issue for evolutionists since Darwin proposed his evolutionary hypothesis. The evidence of ‘massive change over time’ is dwindling rapidly. Meanwhile the evidence supporting creation is growing rapidly!
04 Feb, 201528:31
Exploring evolution darwinism

Exploring evolution darwinism

Atheists and theists discuss whether God exists, and in the process promote evolution, contrary to both science and the Bible.
13 Jan, 2015
Woolly mammoths cold adapted

Woolly mammoths cold adapted

Evidence indicates that woolly mammoths were adapted to the cold.
21 Nov, 2014