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Woolly mammoth cloned for Siberia

Woolly mammoth cloned for Siberia

Cloning mammoths and rewilding: controversial Mammophant project in Pleistocene Park; the challenges and contradictions explored.
27 Jan, 2025
Could humans take down mammoths with spears?

Could humans take down mammoths with spears?

Woolly mammoth extinction under question. Were they hunted using spears? Did climate change kill them?
17 Jan, 2025
The extinction of the woolly mammoth: was it a quick freeze?

The extinction of the woolly mammoth: was it a quick freeze?

01 Jan, 2025
Hundreds of jellyfish fossils

Hundreds of jellyfish fossils

Charles Darwin predicted in Origin of Species that no jellyfish fossils would ever be found, but hundreds in a Wisconsin sandstone quarry prove him wrong.
22 May, 2013
The pigs took it all

The pigs took it all

Evolutionists reject radiometric dates when they conflict with evolutionary fossil dates, such as KBS Tuff pigs and skull 1470.
03 Jun, 1996
5 Failed Predictions of Evolution

5 Failed Predictions of Evolution

For a theory to be correct, its predictions must come true—its expectations must turn out to be accurate. (Note, though, that this, alone, isn't enough to prove a theory.) But when a theory repeatedly makes predictions that turn out to be wildly at odds with reality, it shows that the theory is completely wrong, and should be dropped immediately. Which of these two categories does evolutionary theory (in all its many forms—cosmological, geological, biological, etc.) fall in? What about biblical creation? The answers to these questions will come as a surprise to many! Join plant biologist, Dr Don Batten, for a look at just some of the ways in which evolutionary theory has predicted the exact opposite of what reality would eventually reveal—while biblical creationist predictions have been shown to be remarkably accurate!
20 Nov, 202424:29
Neanderthals: A very human race

Neanderthals: A very human race

Neanderthal interbred with gracile homo sapiens, mtDNA, 3D reconstruction Teshik-Tash cave, Uzbekistan, 1856, Germany’s Neander valley
04 Nov, 2024
An ape fossil found in South America

An ape fossil found in South America

An anomalous ape fossil found in South America in rocks labelled Paleogene raises questions of how it got there.
01 Nov, 2024
Opals Contradict an Old Earth

Opals Contradict an Old Earth

With their shimmering rainbow colors, opals are a favorite gemstone of many. But are they really, as gem shops often claim, “millions of years in the making”? Or are they a reminder of a relatively recent global Flood, and the Creator’s rainbow promise? Join geologist, Dr Tas Walker, as he provides evidence that opals form rapidly—with colors even forming in a matter of minutes! Learn how all that is need is the right ingredients and conditions—both of which are provided by Noah's Flood, as recorded in the Bible!
23 Oct, 202423:42
DNA from the last woolly mammoths

DNA from the last woolly mammoths

A woolly mammoth population went through a bottleneck of eight, the same as people on the Ark, without mutational meltdown
08 Oct, 2024
Dinosaur tracks and eggs

Dinosaur tracks and eggs

Noah’s flood was a hugely complex event, but evidence of dinosaur footprints and even their eggs is easily explained.
07 Oct, 2024
The Flood origin of amber and insects in amber

The Flood origin of amber and insects in amber

The origin of fossil amber with its myriads of insects and small creatures is elegantly explained by the global Flood.
30 Sep, 2024
Honey from the rock?

Honey from the rock?

Layer re-dated by 0.5 billion years due to Dickinsonia fossil, which turns out to be a beehive.
23 Sep, 2024
Ecosystem in NE Greenland supports biblical Ice Age

Ecosystem in NE Greenland supports biblical Ice Age

The post-Flood ice age explains how northeastern Greenland could have supported a climate not affected by permafrost.
23 Aug, 2024
Dead crocodiles downunder

Dead crocodiles downunder

Researchers study decomposition rates in dead crocodiles.
22 Oct, 2018
Dinosaurs are almost certainly extinct

Dinosaurs are almost certainly extinct

Cryptozoology claims that living dinosaurs still exist but no claims have been verified so it is time to put this on the list of arguments we think a creationist should not use.
22 Feb, 2018