Fossil formation


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Supposed billion-year-old fossil balls evidence created complexity

Supposed billion-year-old fossil balls evidence created complexity

Fossilized balls of cells demonstrate cell-cell adhesion and differentiation, providing more evidence for complex multicellularity, one billion years ago.
01 Jun, 2021
Candles turned to stone

Candles turned to stone

Petrified candles demonstrate that plant and animals fossils require only decades —not millions of years—to turn into stone
03 May, 2021
Chile desert whale fossils

Chile desert whale fossils

A marine graveyard of 80 whales in Chilean desert.
01 Dec, 2011
Ammonite in amber

Ammonite in amber

Noahs Flood provides a powerful context for explaining how sea and land creatures could be found together in amber.
26 Apr, 2021
Fossils of pre-Flood artifacts

Fossils of pre-Flood artifacts

Answers to the question of why man-made artifacts from the pre-Flood world are not found as fossils.
27 Oct, 2020
The Salt Range saga

The Salt Range saga

The Salt Range of Punjab Pakistan has yielded some very interesting fossils—that according to evolution should not have been found!
16 Jul, 2020
Fossil octopus ink

Fossil octopus ink

Did octopus fossil ink really survive millions of years?
22 Jun, 2020
Hell Creek Formation supports the Bible

Hell Creek Formation supports the Bible

Marine shark fossils have been found with Tyrannosaurus rex fossils in the Hell Creek Formation, consistent with Noahs Flood.
25 May, 2020
Dinosaur footprint treasure trove found in Britain

Dinosaur footprint treasure trove found in Britain

Dinosaur footprint treasure trove found in Britain likely formed as the land was progressively inundated during Noahs Flood.
20 May, 2020
Dinosaur eggs point to the Flood

Dinosaur eggs point to the Flood

Fossilized dinosaur eggs are found throughout the world and their existence is difficult to explain.
09 Oct, 2019
Stunning trace fossils showing dinosaur skin in high definition

Stunning trace fossils showing dinosaur skin in high definition

A dinosaur high-definition footprint found with raindrops is an excellent example of a trace fossil showing rapid processes in action.
06 Jun, 2019
Opalised fossils or pseudofossils

Opalised fossils or pseudofossils

Opals and opalised fossils can form quickly under the right conditions.
01 Apr, 2019
The Alvis Delk human-dino footprints artefact

The Alvis Delk human-dino footprints artefact

Evidence lacking that the Alvis Delk artefact contains genuine human and dinosaur footprints so artefact has no apologetic value
05 Jan, 2019
The Cal Orcko (‘Lime Hill’) dinosaur trackways

The Cal Orcko (‘Lime Hill’) dinosaur trackways

Thousands of dinosaur tracks in Bolivia’s Cal Orcko cliff face are evidence of the global Flood recorded in the Bible.
05 Nov, 2018
Deadly plant’s flowers in amber deadly to evolution

Deadly plant’s flowers in amber deadly to evolution

The discovery of flowers of strychnine-bearing Strychnos plants in amber is ‘deadly’ to evolution.
26 Sep, 2018
Fossilized dinosaur retains its shape

Fossilized dinosaur retains its shape

Nodosaur fossil find another example of rapid water burial of a land-dweller.
17 Apr, 2018