Electric StargazersElectric Stargazers are monster fish that uses multiple lures, ambush, venom, and electricity to hunt their prey.Article27 Dec, 2023
Coelacanth: transitional fossil?Coelacanths are not transitional fossils, and are consistent with biblical creation.Article28 Nov, 2022
Where have all the big fish gonefish, Trinidadian guppy, natural selection, loss of fertility, size, fishing sustainability Selectively removing the largest Trinidadian guppies in lab tests resulted in fewer, smaller fish, with implications for commercial fish stocks in the wild.Article19 Jan, 2015
The Samurai CrabThe Japanese samurai face on the Heike crab being designed by natural selection popularized by Carl Sagan’s Cosmos isn’t true.Article18 Feb, 2019
Teaching a fish to walkWhen scientists forced bichirs (Polypterus senegalus), a species of few lung-breathing fish, to live out of water, their pectoral fins strengthened.Article05 Dec, 2016
No fish on noahs arkDealing with misconceptions that Noah took on the Ark sea creatures and that dinosaurs were too big for the Ark.Article16 Jul, 2013
Unique fishHow fish and other species get into unique ecological niches, and whether secular scientists do Carbon-14 dating on old wood samples they believe are millions of years old.Article15 Sep, 2013
Slow fish in ChinaA fossil fish in Cambrian strata in China now confirms that fish appear suddenly in the fossil record along with all the other kinds of animals.Article05 Jun, 2013
Tiktaalik finishedTetrapod footprints found in Poland predate the famous fossil sea-to-land evolutionary sequence that includes Tiktaalik roseaeArticle26 Sep, 2011
The fish with \four eyes\ (Anableps)The best explanation for Anableps is that it was created on Day 5 of Creation Week.Article01 Dec, 2010
Submarines with fish fins?Scientists are trying to copy the complex sweep and curl motion of fish fins to propel submarines.Article19 Sep, 2007
Rare Australian fish has fins like hands‘Walking’ fish such as the Australian handfish are not transitional forms but living testimony of creation.Article18 Jun, 2007