A Review of A Civic BiologyThe 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial pitted evolution and creation against each other in the courtroom. A Civic Biology was at the heart of the debate.Article01 Sep, 2020
Scopes at 100The 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial pitted evolution and creation against each other in the courtroom.Article25 Aug, 2020
Apemen before DarwinBeliefs in apemen before Darwin were based on myth, speculation, and notions of the Great Chain of Being.Article14 Aug, 2020
Evidence that modern humans and ‘super-archaic’ humans may have shared DNANew genetic evidence shows that humans may share DNA with super-archaic humans.Article30 Jul, 2020
Review: ‘Theistic Evolution’A review of Theistic Evolution: A scientific, philosophical, and theological critique.Article17 Jul, 2020
In jettisoning Genesis, societies practice unrestrained abortion—a silent genocide.The astonishing numbers of abortions performed each year is indicative of the complete loss of society’s Judeo-Christian foundations, which should drive Christians to their knees in prayer.Article13 Jul, 2020
Review: ‘Faith and Fossils’A review of Faith and Fossils: The Bible, creation, and evolution by Lester Grabbe.Article03 Jul, 2020
If evolution explains contrary things, can it legitimately be called science?Evolution is not science. It cannot be falsified, is promoted by storytelling and logical fallacies—having your cake and eating it.Article18 Jun, 2020
‘Oumuamua—what is it?Oumuamua is a likely interstellar object that may have been created on Day 4 of Creation Week.Article29 May, 2020
Hugh Ross bluffs at church meetingHugh Ross, church meetings, bluffs, church fathers including Augustine on creation days, earliest Homo sapiens fossils, Neandertals, local flood.Article31 Mar, 2020
From the mouths of sceptics: sometimes sceptics unwittingly support what creationists teach.Scientists unwittingly confirm creationists on the universe, life’s origin, ancient man, the Flood, fossils, dinosaur soft tissue, Genesis as history.Article19 Mar, 2020
‘Out of Africa’ theory problems are growingTraditional Out of Africa ideas about human evolution are collapsing under new fossil and genetic data.Article16 Mar, 2020
National Geographic’s strange ideas about the origin of lifeNational Geographic calls creationists anti-science. Their nature documentary is based on magic, the miraculous, mystery, and imagination.Article05 Mar, 2020
Paleoanthropology in AustraliaRobust human fossils from Australia sometimes linked to Homo erectus create problems for evolutionary scenarios but are consistent with biblical creation.Article28 Feb, 2020
Question evolution apologeticsDarwin’s birthday should be a day to question evolution! How should we present the truth?Article13 Feb, 2020