How the Bible makes sense of everythingThe most-read, and most popular, book in the entire world is—the Bible; and it speaks to science as well as on matters of mankind’s need of salvation.Article07 Aug, 2023
Review: 'Darwinian Racism' Richard WeikartA review of Darwinian Racism: How Darwin influenced Hitler, Nazism, and white nationalism by Richard Weikart.Article04 Aug, 2023
Evolutionism is not appropriate for anyone - a response to Bill NyeBill Nye "The Science Guy" and Big Think have produced an emotional video ( [] ) challenging parents to restrict their children's education by censoring important scientific information against evolution. This parody by Creation Ministries International challenges Bill Nye's one-sided views. Think Bigger.Video12 Jul, 202303:51
Does evolution justify unbelief?Evolution inspires heresy and apostasy more than most ideas because it so powerfully centralizes naturalistic thinking.Article08 Jun, 2023
New research: Chimp Human DNA not 99% similarNew, more accurate research shows much less similarity. For more details watch the entire episode at: []Video31 May, 202302:18
Developments in paleoanthropology no. 2Contextualizing paleoanthropology finds around 2020 in creationist perspective.Article19 May, 2023
Racemization of amino acids under natural conditions: part 1Ligating homochiral polypeptides cannot originate homochiral biomolecules naturalistically because the conditions this occurred in are unlikely to arise spontaneously.Article05 May, 2023
Review: 'Taking Leave of Darwin' by Neil ThomasA review of Taking Leave of Darwin by Neil Thomas.Article28 Apr, 2023
‘It’s not science’Defining creation as not scientific uses circular reasoning; creation and evolution are equally scientific or non-scientific.Article28 Feb, 2002
Is BibleProject Biblical?While BibleProject has become increasingly popular recently, we believe that there are some concerns that need to be addressed. What some perceive as minor differences can have far-reaching implications.Article21 Mar, 2023
Dragon ManIn 2021 an international research team announced a proposed new human species from China, nicknamed ‘Dragon Man’.Article13 Mar, 2023
Book review: 'Romancing the Birds and Dinosaurs'A review of Romancing the Birds and Dinosaurs by Alan Feduccia.Article10 Mar, 2023
People continue to be misinformed about life from non-lifeLies abound about life from chemicals—Darwin, Oparin, and Miller—but chemistry and information theory refute abiogenesis claims.Article09 Feb, 2023
Seven Sisters similarities point to BabelAustralian Aboriginal groups and other cultures across the globe regard the stars in the Pleiades constellation as ‘Seven Sisters’.Article29 Dec, 2022
Flowers are still Darwins abominable mysteryThe evolutionary origin of the flowering plants remains Darwin’s “abominable mystery”.Article26 Dec, 2022