The 'Lucy Child'The Lucy Child australopithicine fossil bones show several distinctive ape features.Article22 Sep, 2006
The Axolotl. The fish that walks?The axolotl has legs and lives in water. It is not a ‘missing link’ as evolutionists claim.Article18 Sep, 2006
Fossil evidence for alleged apemen—Part 2: non-Homo hominidsFossil evidence for alleged apemen—Part 2: non-Homo hominidsArticle14 Sep, 2006
Does ribozyme research prove Darwinian evolution?Ribozyme ‘evolution’ doesnt solve first living organism problem.Article05 Aug, 2006
Controversial claim for earliest life on earthControversy over origin of stromatolites reveals new insights into the way scientists think.Article02 Aug, 2006
Fossil evidence for alleged apemen—Part 1: the genus HomoFossil evidence for alleged apemen—Part 1: the genus HomoArticle29 Jun, 2006
Fish challenge misconceptionsWhile many people might regard fish as being well down the intelligence stakes, fisheries biologists have mounting evidence to the contrary.Article29 May, 2006
Adam's Brothers? Race, Science, and Genesis Before DarwinAdam’s Brothers? Race, Science, and Genesis Before DarwinArticle27 Feb, 2006
Shame on Charisma!Leading Pentecostal magazine Charisma promotes Hugh Ross, old earth, death before sin, denigrates young earth.Article29 May, 2003