Evolutionary legal theoriesDarwinian evolution was a major force leading to the discrediting the traditional Western legal idea of natural law theory, particularly during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.Article21 Oct, 2011
Tiktaalik finishedTetrapod footprints found in Poland predate the famous fossil sea-to-land evolutionary sequence that includes Tiktaalik roseaeArticle26 Sep, 2011
sediba revisitedA reanalysis of Australopithecus sedibastill shows that it is not an apeman or missing link but likely to be another variety of australopithecine.Article20 Sep, 2011
15 Questions for EvolutionistsThe teaching of biological evolution in science classes amounts to the teaching of a materialistic religion based on arguments that lack scientific merit.Article11 Sep, 2011
Human evolution storiesVery different theories of human evolution (chimps, orangs, aquatic ape) contradict each other and show that the very idea is an exercise in storytelling, not science.Article25 Jul, 2011
Charles Darwins savagesChristopher Columbus described the Fuegians as friendly, and handsome; Darwin compared them to devils and animals. Why the difference?Article08 Jun, 2011
Marxism law and evolutionMarx believed that laws are the product of class oppression and would disappear with the advent of communism, but this has led only to inequality and class-oriented genocidal policies.Article22 Apr, 2011
Racism-consequence-evolutionThe theory of human evolution gave rise to racist ideas post-Darwin and it still permeates society today.Article07 Apr, 2011
Pre-adamites and human fossilsThere is evidence of violence, disease and premature death throughout the human fossil record, so it must be placed after the Fall or the Fall becomes theologically meaningless.Article25 Mar, 2011
Haeckel hostile witness Bible truthErnst Haeckel ridiculed anti-evolutionists, but they were more correct than he was on major science issues. His attacks show the Bible as being anti-racist before that became fashionable.Article03 Mar, 2011
DenisovanThe Denisovans are not pre-human missing links, but a genetically distinct post-Babel people group.Article25 Jan, 2011
Evolution preposterousPeople love the grand theory of evolution, in spite of the preposterous claim that everything made itself, because it supports an anti-God worldview, and many get offended when challenged.Article10 Jan, 2011
World Creation storiesWorld creation stories affect how societies function and the atheist’s creation story of evolution has proven to be incredibly destructive.Article06 Jan, 2011
The fish with \four eyes\ (Anableps)The best explanation for Anableps is that it was created on Day 5 of Creation Week.Article01 Dec, 2010