Cretan footprints stomp on human evolutionFossil footprints on Trachilos, Crete, were made in the wrong time period for evolutionists.Article26 Oct, 2017
Dinosaur to bird theory a flight of fancyThe concept of a connection between dinosaurs and birds is still proposed despite the lack of evidence.Article29 Sep, 2017
Homology, Genes, and Evolutionary Innovation book reviewThe evolutionary origin of novel body plans has always been controversial.Article22 Sep, 2017
Did humans evolve from apes?Answering questions about human evolution and common ancestors, or ape-men.Article11 Jul, 2017
Is evolution pseudoscience? We are often told creation is religion and evolution is science. But is evolution really science? On this week's episode, see how the theory of evolution exhibits most of the characteristic fallacies of pseudoscientific theories.Video21 Jun, 201728:30
Tall molars did not evolve from grass eatingTall molars and grasslands; something to chew on.Article09 Jun, 2017
The Darwin Effect reviewReview of The Darwin Effect: Its Influence on Nazism, Eugenics, Racism, Communism, Capitalism, and Sexism.Article26 May, 2017
Homo naledi updateDoes Homo naledi really represent an extinct species of hominins, or are the fossils just the remains of sickly humans suffering cretinism?Article25 May, 2017
Evolution vs human behaviourHuman behaviours often contradict evolutionary expectations, undermining the evolutionary account of our existence.Article16 May, 2017
Trappist-1’s planets not in habitable zoneResearch involving 3D climate simulations on the seven planets orbiting Trappist-1 shows that none is suitable to support life, being too hot, too cold, or unexplainable.Article11 Apr, 2017
Ultracool Trappist-1 and its seven planetsSeven planets have been found orbiting Trappist-1, with three in the habitable zone; this has given rise to claims of habitability, however, neither life nor even water have been found there.Article03 Mar, 2017
Wishful thinking naturePagan ideas revived as nature said to learn and discover how to build molecular machines and cells; just wishful thinking.Article02 Mar, 2017
Feathered forerunner or flight of fancyA feathered tail found in amber may be from a feathered dinosaur or a bird, but the evidence is uncertain.Article14 Jan, 2017
Can evolution be observedIs evolution by natural selection and genetic mutation happening slowly or quickly and can we observe it or not?Article10 Jan, 2017