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Human life is precious in a culture of death

Human life is precious in a culture of death

The value of human life in the womb and later, according to atheist thinking, contrasted with the Christian perspective.
14 May, 2024
The lies of Lynchburg

The lies of Lynchburg

In Lynchburg, Virginia, USA, eugenics laws passed by eugenicists, inspired by Darwin
08 Dec, 2010
Life: worthless or priceless?

Life: worthless or priceless?

UK parents aborted a baby with a cleft lip. Dutch doctors euthanized a dementia patient against her will. Such killings are wrong.
02 Jul, 2020
Nazi child euthanasia and Hans Asperger

Nazi child euthanasia and Hans Asperger

A new study shows that Hans Asperger actively assisted the Nazi eugenics policies.
11 Oct, 2018
Euthanasia for disabled babies?

Euthanasia for disabled babies?

Evolutionist argues that new born babies are no more than animals and, if severely disabled, should be euthanised.
22 Aug, 2017
Abortion: an indispensable right or violence against women? [sex selection, aborting girls]

Abortion: an indispensable right or violence against women? [sex selection, aborting girls]

Sex selection leads to aborting girl babies; early feminists were pro-life
06 Feb, 2007
Hooray for eugenics

Hooray for eugenics

What happened last century when many churches stopped believing the Bible? They substituted the counterfeit faith of eugenics, or the elimination of the ‘unfit’ from the breeding pool. Eugenics, the most destructive medical movement in history, was invented by Charles Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton, and was supported not only by the Nazis, but also by American liberal churches and the US Supreme Court.
26 Oct, 2009
Hitler's 'master race' children haunted by their past

Hitler's 'master race' children haunted by their past

Hitlers Lebensborn program to produce a master race of Aryan babies was a complete failure, resulting in much shame and persecution for the unfortunate offspring produced.
03 Nov, 2008
Is killing wrong

Is killing wrong

An ethics journal article argues that the permanently and totally disabled may be killed for their organs.
10 Apr, 2012
Abortion 'after birth'?

Abortion 'after birth'?

Evolutionary ‘ethicists’ promote infanticide and deny sanctity of innocent human life.
08 Mar, 2012
Unborn babies planning future

Unborn babies planning future

Unborn baby has brain activity for planning. Pro-life implications
09 Dec, 2010
Unborn baby fetal pain abortion

Unborn baby fetal pain abortion

Pro-aborts are crowing about studies alleging that the unborn baby feels no pain. But not only are these claims highly debatable, they ignore the real issue.
22 Jul, 2010
Darwin and eugenics

Darwin and eugenics

18 May, 2007
The gift of death? Planned Parenthood offers abortion gift cards for Christmas

The gift of death? Planned Parenthood offers abortion gift cards for Christmas

16 Dec, 2008
Legalizing abortion: no-one is safe anymore

Legalizing abortion: no-one is safe anymore

05 Sep, 2008
Blurring the line between abortion and infanticide?

Blurring the line between abortion and infanticide?

Obama supports infanticide and evolution; similarity with philosopher Peter Singer
02 Jul, 2008