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Refutation of  Evolution: 24 myths and misconceptions

Refutation of Evolution: 24 myths and misconceptions

Hitler and Nazism relied on Darwinian evolution for their racist and eugenic beliefs, while they hated Chrsitians and Jews
19 Nov, 2008
Melbourne atheist: the exterminator

Melbourne atheist: the exterminator

26 Jan, 2007
The lies of Lynchburg

The lies of Lynchburg

In Lynchburg, Virginia, USA, eugenics laws passed by eugenicists, inspired by Darwin
08 Dec, 2010
Transhumanism, evolution, and the image of God

Transhumanism, evolution, and the image of God

Transhumanism holds that scientific and technological advances can be used to improve humanity—at its heart it is a godless movement, and justified by belief in evolution.
21 Feb, 2023
The deep and undeniable Darwinian roots of Nazi eugenics

The deep and undeniable Darwinian roots of Nazi eugenics

A review of: Darwinian Eugenics and the Holocaust by Jerry Bergman.
29 Jul, 2022
How slavery enhanced racism

How slavery enhanced racism

Slavery fueled racism, and led to anti-biblical attempts to justify both in the US.
19 Nov, 2012
DIY abortions cause more harm than reported

DIY abortions cause more harm than reported

Doctors without borders send DIY abortion pills to Africa supposedly to make abortion safe?
25 Mar, 2021
Review: 'Superior' by Angela Saini

Review: 'Superior' by Angela Saini

A review of Superior by Angela Saini: race science past and present.
05 Feb, 2021
Let the baby die?

Let the baby die?

A chilling look at the logical result of Darwinism.
31 Dec, 2020
Eugenics is back

Eugenics is back

How science is using eugenics to decide who and who should not live.
21 Jan, 2019
Genetically modified babies

Genetically modified babies

Chinese biophysicist He Jiankui claims to have used CRISPR gene editing techniques on twins that were born last month.
11 Dec, 2018
Down syndrome abortion

Down syndrome abortion

Down syndrome, abortion and the rights of children in the womb.
17 Nov, 2016
Herero Genocide

Herero Genocide

Herero people and German genocide.
20 Jun, 2006
Adolf Hitler and eugenics

Adolf Hitler and eugenics

How eugenics shaped Adolf Hitlers view of the world.
03 Dec, 2014
Hooray for eugenics

Hooray for eugenics

What happened last century when many churches stopped believing the Bible? They substituted the counterfeit faith of eugenics, or the elimination of the ‘unfit’ from the breeding pool. Eugenics, the most destructive medical movement in history, was invented by Charles Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton, and was supported not only by the Nazis, but also by American liberal churches and the US Supreme Court.
26 Oct, 2009
Hitler's 'master race' children haunted by their past

Hitler's 'master race' children haunted by their past

Hitlers Lebensborn program to produce a master race of Aryan babies was a complete failure, resulting in much shame and persecution for the unfortunate offspring produced.
03 Nov, 2008