Human animal chimeraThe National Institutes of Health intends to fund research which creates human/animal hybrids.Article16 Aug, 2016
Wagging fingerAnswering a critic who scolds creationists for being hateful, hampering science, and rejecting evolution.Article21 May, 2016
Violence and bloodshed religion of atheismAtheism\\\\\’s violent legacy overlooked.Article03 May, 2016
Premarital sexGod forbids premarital sex because outside of marriage there is no public commitment to care for ones sexual partner.Article12 Mar, 2016
Proclaiming creationDespite technological and scientific advances, it’s a religious age; we must combat evolutionary obstacles to biblical Christianity and proclaim creation.Article20 Aug, 2015
How old was Cain when he killed Abel?Seth was Eve\\s first child born after Cain killed Abel, suggesting Cain was over 120 at the time.Article11 May, 2015
Three-parent embryos3-parent embryos to cure mitochondrial disease: what are the biblical, moral, scientific, and legal issues?Article07 Mar, 2015
Will Cornick murders teacherTroubled teenager Will Cornick stabs his teacher to death in front of classmates.Article22 Jan, 2015
African invasion of the bodysnatchersDarwin-inspired bodysnatchers used various methods to source the remains of native people from Africa, Australia and other countries.Article21 Sep, 2014
World War 1 evolution in Second ReichNew video clip about the evolutionary origins of World War 1, which were the precursors of WW2 and the Nazi Holocaust.Article14 Sep, 2014
Winning the war 2Now in its 36th year, Creation magazine continues to equip Christians with the tools they need to defeat the evolution paradigm.Article05 May, 2014
What does it mean to be humanGenetic engineering will not result in people who cannot be saved or animals that can.Article24 Oct, 2013
The Christian foundations of the rule of law in the West: a legacy of liberty and resistance against tyrannyThe freedoms enjoyed in Western democracies derive from the rule of law that comes from Gods higher law that stands above human institutions; evolution-based secularism destroys this, as history has shown.Article18 Jan, 2007
Roots and fruitsEvolutions origins are anti-Christian and anti-biblical, and its consequences appear to be uniformly evil.Article12 Oct, 2013
Abortion: an indispensable right or violence against women? [sex selection, aborting girls]Sex selection leads to aborting girl babies; early feminists were pro-lifeArticle06 Feb, 2007