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Brave warriors with words

Brave warriors with words

How Navajo language helped win World War 2, and provided a subtle lesson against evolution.
02 Dec, 2017
Why believe in objective morals?

Why believe in objective morals?

Disagreements over our moral intuitions doesnt undermine the general reliability of our moral experience as a justification for believing in objective morals
16 Sep, 2017
Euthanasia for disabled babies?

Euthanasia for disabled babies?

Evolutionist argues that new born babies are no more than animals and, if severely disabled, should be euthanised.
22 Aug, 2017
Does the Bible condone polygamy?

Does the Bible condone polygamy?

Is polygamy a moral and valid expression of marriage in the Bible?
22 Jul, 2017
Tree fruit and the relevance of Genesis creation

Tree fruit and the relevance of Genesis creation

People’s beliefs about origins shapes worldviews. That is, the ideas about where we come from, what is the meaning of life and what happens to us when we die.
17 Jul, 2017


Why it is necessary to defend the Gospel from a creation foundation.
04 Jul, 2017
How gay marriage harms people

How gay marriage harms people

Three major reasons that same-sex marriage is bad for society.
24 Jun, 2017
Artificial wombs premature babies

Artificial wombs premature babies

Every year hundreds of thousands of babies are born prematurely worldwide. Can an artificial womb help these extremely premature babies?
08 Jun, 2017
Human cloning

Human cloning

The plan to clone humans involves questionable ethics as well as potential genetic problems.
05 Jun, 2017
The Darwin Effect review

The Darwin Effect review

Review of The Darwin Effect: Its Influence on Nazism, Eugenics, Racism, Communism, Capitalism, and Sexism.
26 May, 2017
Abortion answer

Abortion answer

If life is in the blood, does that mean the unborn child is not human until he or she has circulating blood? We respond.
18 Mar, 2017
Celebrating gender confusion

Celebrating gender confusion

How should Christians react when the media glorifies what Scripture condemns in celebrating gender denial?
17 Jan, 2017
Down syndrome abortion

Down syndrome abortion

Down syndrome, abortion and the rights of children in the womb.
17 Nov, 2016
The Bible is the bedrock of society

The Bible is the bedrock of society

Western society abandons the Bible and puts in cosmic evolution as its foundation instead.
03 Nov, 2016
Apostate The Men Who Destroyed the Christian West review

Apostate The Men Who Destroyed the Christian West review

Review of Apostate—The Men Who Destroyed the Christian West.
30 Sep, 2016
Herero Genocide

Herero Genocide

Herero people and German genocide.
20 Jun, 2006