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DIY abortions cause more harm than reported

DIY abortions cause more harm than reported

Doctors without borders send DIY abortion pills to Africa supposedly to make abortion safe?
25 Mar, 2021
Abortion in New Zealand

Abortion in New Zealand

NZ passed laws allowing widespread abortion in 2020, but also phased out abortion of cows.
04 Mar, 2021
Why should a Christian ‘labour and toil’?

Why should a Christian ‘labour and toil’?

The work ethic is founded in Genesis before the Fall.
20 Feb, 2021
Review: 'Superior' by Angela Saini

Review: 'Superior' by Angela Saini

A review of Superior by Angela Saini: race science past and present.
05 Feb, 2021
The work ethic

The work ethic

Work and productivity ethic that drove development of Western science and technology rooted in Genesis.
02 Feb, 2021
Is God our mother?

Is God our mother?

Do feminine comparisons in Scripture mean God is our mother?
09 Jan, 2021
Let the baby die?

Let the baby die?

A chilling look at the logical result of Darwinism.
31 Dec, 2020
Abortion Choices

Abortion Choices

Abortion involves at least three choices involving personal preference, the value of human life, and accountability.
05 Oct, 2020
How did bad things come about?

How did bad things come about?

Why is there so much death in the world? Is God responsible for it? How should Christians answer questions about why evil exists? This week on Creation Magazine LIVE! we consider the difficulty answering these questions if Genesis is not historical.
02 Sep, 202024:47
Christian parents can leave a lasting legacy

Christian parents can leave a lasting legacy

Parents ‘fire-proof’ children’s spiritual foundations leaving a lasting legacy by answering questions and defending God’s inerrant Word.
27 Aug, 2020
In jettisoning Genesis, societies practice unrestrained abortion—a silent genocide.

In jettisoning Genesis, societies practice unrestrained abortion—a silent genocide.

The astonishing numbers of abortions performed each year is indicative of the complete loss of society’s Judeo-Christian foundations, which should drive Christians to their knees in prayer.
13 Jul, 2020
Life: worthless or priceless?

Life: worthless or priceless?

UK parents aborted a baby with a cleft lip. Dutch doctors euthanized a dementia patient against her will. Such killings are wrong.
02 Jul, 2020
Was Ham or Canaan cursed? Are there three races?

Was Ham or Canaan cursed? Are there three races?

Curse of Ham or Canaan? Are Noah’s sons Japheth, Ham and Shem patriarchs of different races?
13 Jun, 2020
Did God make Adam ‘half-female’?

Did God make Adam ‘half-female’?

The X chromosome is not a female chromosome, and God didnt make Adam half-female.
23 May, 2020
Church forests

Church forests

Church forests in Ethiopia preserved biodiversity.
20 Apr, 2020
Review: 'The Global Sexual Revolution' by Gabriele Kuby

Review: 'The Global Sexual Revolution' by Gabriele Kuby

A review of The Global Sexual Revolution: Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom by Gabriele Kuby.
20 Mar, 2020