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Morals decline linked to belief in evolution

Morals decline linked to belief in evolution

21 Oct, 2009
A Civic Biology and eugenics

A Civic Biology and eugenics

25 Sep, 2008
Inside the mind of a killer

Inside the mind of a killer

Pekka-Eric Auvinens mass-murder shooting spree at his Finnish school was motivated by evolutionary ideas.
09 Nov, 2007
Do monkeys play football?

Do monkeys play football?

19 May, 2008
Biblical worldview project for parents and grandparents

Biblical worldview project for parents and grandparents

A project for parents and grandparents to reinforce the history timeline of the biblical worldview on their children
03 Sep, 2009
Darwinism's influence on modern racists and white supremacist groups: the case of David Duke

Darwinism's influence on modern racists and white supremacist groups: the case of David Duke

08 Feb, 2007
The Darwinian roots of the Nazi tree (Weikart review)

The Darwinian roots of the Nazi tree (Weikart review)

Darwin and Hitler, Weikart
24 Jun, 2009
The people that forgot time

The people that forgot time

08 Jun, 2009
Darwinism and the Nazi race Holocaust

Darwinism and the Nazi race Holocaust

Darwin’s ‘survival of the fittest’ theory led directly to the Nazi ‘final solution’, the extermination of millions of people of ‘inferior races’.
27 May, 2009
The disingenuous and anti-Christian nature of gay rights rhetoric

The disingenuous and anti-Christian nature of gay rights rhetoric

18 Apr, 2009
The Bible vs slavery and apartheid

The Bible vs slavery and apartheid

11 Apr, 2009
President Obama okays funding embryonic stem cell research (but removes adult stem cell funding)

President Obama okays funding embryonic stem cell research (but removes adult stem cell funding)

19 Mar, 2009
Darwin and eugenics

Darwin and eugenics

18 May, 2007
The trial and death of Adolf Eichmann

The trial and death of Adolf Eichmann

03 Mar, 2009
Eugenics ... death of the defenceless

Eugenics ... death of the defenceless

Few ideas have done more harm to the human race in the last 120 years than those of Sir Francis Galton, Darwins cousin and founder of the evolutionary pseudo-science of eugenics. Today, ethnic cleansing, the use of abortion to eliminate ‘defective’ unborn babies, infanticide, euthanasia, and the harvesting of unborn babies for research purposes all have a common foundation in the survival-of-the-fittest theory of eugenics.
28 Aug, 2006
The Creation Couple—Stephen and Dianne Grocott interview

The Creation Couple—Stephen and Dianne Grocott interview

31 Dec, 2008