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Where did the Israelites cross the “Red Sea”?

Where did the Israelites cross the “Red Sea”?

The Red Sea crossing point could have been at the Bitter Lakes, Suez, Aqaba, or Nuweiba. The biblical list of campsites helps, but the answers are inconclusive.
20 Jul, 2021
Who is wrong about the biblical date of the Flood, and the Great Pyramids?  Somebody must be wrong somewhere…

Who is wrong about the biblical date of the Flood, and the Great Pyramids? Somebody must be wrong somewhere…

Pyramids - How they fit into the true biblical history.
05 Jun, 2021
What is the point of Egypt’s pyramids?

What is the point of Egypt’s pyramids?

The pyramids of Egypt may be a testimony to Noah’s Flood.
30 Apr, 2021
How old are the pyramids of Egypt?

How old are the pyramids of Egypt?

The oldest of Egypts pyramids fit comfortably within biblical history and timescale as post-Flood and post-Babel monuments.
17 Feb, 2021
Adam, Eve, Noah and the Flood—in Ancient Egypt?

Adam, Eve, Noah and the Flood—in Ancient Egypt?

Ancient Egyptian’s knowledge of Creation, Adam, Eve, Noah and the Flood.
13 Feb, 2021
Egyptian chronology confusion

Egyptian chronology confusion

Why are there so many different opinions when it comes to revising Egyptian chronology?
08 Dec, 2020
The world’s oldest alphabet

The world’s oldest alphabet

Archaeological evidence from Egypt and Sinai Peninsula suggests the first alphabet was developed by the Hebrews, not the Phoenicians.
04 Jun, 2020
Was Pharaoh Shoshoni—the plunderer of Jerusalem?

Was Pharaoh Shoshoni—the plunderer of Jerusalem?

Does the evidence in Egypt line up with the Bible’s account of the Hebrews?
28 Apr, 2020
Patterns of Evidence Red Sea Miracle

Patterns of Evidence Red Sea Miracle

The third installment of Patterns of Evidence examines the question: can we really believe God parted the Red Sea?
10 Feb, 2020
Ancient civilizations and modern man

Ancient civilizations and modern man

Were ancient cultures more advanced than many evolutionists believe?
29 Jun, 2016
Patterns of evidence

Patterns of evidence

Patterns of Evidence shows evidence of the Hebrew occupation of Ancient Egypt that is largely ignored by many archeologists due to timing issues related to Egyptian chronologies.
15 Jan, 2015
Ancient Egypt confirms Genesis

Ancient Egypt confirms Genesis

Genesis as reliable history.
22 Dec, 2014


A YouTube video makes an irresponsible claim that an Egyptian hieroglyph depicts an Elasmosaurus; however, a trussed goose is depicted.
04 Oct, 2013
Egyptian chronologies

Egyptian chronologies

Egyptologist Patrick Clarke writes that he is confident that the Bibles account of Egyptian history will be vindicated by further
11 Aug, 2013
Egyptian black eye makeup

Egyptian black eye makeup

The science behind ancient Egyptian eye makeup preparation and application, accords well with the biblical record of mankind’s origins.
09 Nov, 2012
Great pyramid

Great pyramid

The Great Pyramid was a feasible engineering feat for the Ancient Egyptians to achieve, and they most likely constructed using a two stage approach using ramps.
15 Jun, 2012