If only the church could name the enemy ...The religion of the Western world is no longer Christianity.Article18 Apr, 2007
Creationist qualificationsWhile many sceptics claim that creationist qualifications are fraudulent, in reality CMI’s and almost all other creationist scientists have genuine degrees. Why do old- and young-earth creationists disagree?Article10 Feb, 2007
The Hypocrisy of Intolerant 'Tolerance'schoolgirl failed for refusing to write homosexual assignment, exposing the intolerance of the new toleranceArticle27 Oct, 2006
Promoting 'peace with evolution'The Sydney Anglicans are rightly respected for their stand on biblical authority. But a recent affiliated publication calls for seeing Genesis as ‘figurative’.Article13 Oct, 2006
Erring on the side of censorship (Brittany McComb)Brittany McComb, valedictorian, wanted to thank Jesus, but microphone was switched off by school censorsArticle21 Jul, 2006