Creation in religion classesBible teachers in NSW schools should be free to teach creationism as truth in religious education classes.Article06 Jul, 2010
Is Intelligence allowedAs Ben Stein’s Expelled documentary film premieres in London, academics once again debate DesignArticle23 Mar, 2010
Christian academics promote evolution in New ZealandNorthcote Baptist Church, New Zealand, hosts seminar by evangelical Christian academics to promote theistic evolution.Article01 Sep, 2009
They're teaching racism to our kidsTextbook used in government schools portrays ‘blacks’ as less evolvedArticle07 Mar, 2008
Expelled: New movie exposes persecution of anti-DarwinistsExpelled: New Ben Stein movie exposes persecution of anti-DarwinistsArticle15 Feb, 2008
Theological colleges: on 'the slippery slope'?Theological colleges teaching evolution on the slippery slope,Article27 Jul, 2007
Correcting the headline: 'Coelacanth', yes; 'ancient', noCorrecting the headline: ‘Coelacanth’ yes; ‘Ancient’ noArticle13 Jul, 2007
How do I do my assignment about evolutionWhat should you do? Should you refuse to do it? Should you argue the case for creation and try to prove that evolution does not work?Article19 Jun, 2007