Evolutionising childrenChildren naturally believe in a creator; hence secularists want to indoctrinate them in evolution from their earliest schooldays.Article08 Dec, 2016
Full size dutch arkAn intrepid Dutchman Johan Huibers builds his second floating ark; this time itArticle11 Mar, 2013
Doing it rightCreation information is powerful when doing outreach and sharing the gospel in a public meeting, but events need proper planning.Article30 Jun, 2016
Importance creation evangelismFor some people, it is necessary to show that the Bible is trustworthy from the beginning before they can accept the Gospel.Article26 Apr, 2016
Purpose for argumentsWhen skeptics refuse to consider our arguments for biblical creation, we should remember that arguments cannot make people believe.Article26 Mar, 2016
Practical EvangelismFrancis Schaeffer gives an illustration that helps us to witness to unbelieving friends with the Gospel.Article30 Jul, 2015
Evolution and education- How to survive in a secular system State run school systems teach evolution as fact. And most children from Christian homes go to state schools. What can a student do to defend their faith in such a hostile environment? How can parents prepare their children? We discuss practical tips and real life examples in this episode.Video10 Jun, 201528:31
Whos inheriting the wind now?Did the Scopes trial define the creation-evolution debate for Americans?Article10 Mar, 2008
In the beginning they misunderstoodA review of the book In the Beginning ... We Misunderstood written by Johnny V. Miller and John M. Soden.Article17 Apr, 2015
Creation damage credibilityBiblical creation does not damage Christianity’s credibility; it is the only sound foundation for a Christian worldview.Article28 Mar, 2015
Answering fools follyAnswering fools folly, atheists, Proverbs 26:4--5, evangelism Sceptics like to claim that Proverbs 26:4--5 make contradictory statements, but that is not the case.Article29 Sep, 2014
Slaughter of the dissidentsA review of Slaughter of the Dissidents by Jerry Bergman.Article08 Aug, 2014
Evolution and pop culture This episode examines how pop culture influences the debate about origins. Evolution permeates not only educational institutions but also the media and entertainment industries. Many popular books, movies, video games and TV shows draw on evolutionary ideas. This week we highlight some of the evolutionary themes in popular culture.Video07 May, 201428:31