Interview with Dr Sam Gan, high-profile Singaporean scientistInterview with high profile Singaporean researcher Dr Sam Gan on his research and commitment to biblical creation.Article21 Mar, 2022
Tribute to renowned creation scientist Dr Kevin AndersonMicrobiologist Dr Kevin Anderson explains the evidence for biblical creation, the bankruptcy of goo-to-you evolution, why the issue is vital.Article23 Feb, 2022
Hemizygosity and post-Flood diversificationThe hemizygosity hypothesis may explain how cryptic genetic information contained with created kinds enables them to diversify.Article01 Oct, 2021
Robert Carter gets everything wrong?Skeptics make many false claims about creationism and creationists, specifically in the field of genetic entropy and concerning Mendel’s Accountant.Article10 Jul, 2021
Review of Darwin Devolves by Michael BeheReview of Darwin Devolves by Michael Behe covers why the latest ideas created to save Darwinism have all failedArticle26 Mar, 2021
Genetic entropy: The silent killerGenetic entropy is a devastatingly powerful argument against evolution.Article30 Nov, 2020
The human genome is amazingly complexThe GTEx Consortium has opened up our understanding of the complexity of the genome and how variation drives complex changes in the cell.Article26 Nov, 2020
Designer DNA replicating rabbitsScientists encode manufactured objects, rabbits, with DNA to replicate them by 3D printing, involving information transfer and intelligent design.Article31 Aug, 2020
Mutations are not randomMutations are not random and leave a telltale signature by reducing GC content in DNA and RNA over time.Article07 Jul, 2020
The multilayered codes of DNADNA is a multi-layered information system with multiple codes that defies evolution.Article01 Jun, 2020
Junk DNA ideas have hindered progress in medical science Junk DNA was required by evolutionary theory but has been an effective science-stopper that has sabotaged medicine for 40 years.Article04 Feb, 2020
Genetic effects of the Flood bottleneckThe Genesis Flood caused a drop in human genetic diversity through a population bottleneck.Article29 Nov, 2019
What would count as 'new information' in genetics?In genetics, what counts as new information from mutations?Article26 Nov, 2019
Beluga-narwhal hybridA beluga-narwhal hybrid shows that these two whales of different genera are part of the same created kind.Article18 Sep, 2019
Recent origin of speciesAlmost all the current species have expanded from mitochondrial uniformity within the past 200,000 years.Article19 Dec, 2018