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Review of The Pterosaurs From Deep Time

Review of The Pterosaurs From Deep Time

Book review of The Pterosaurs from Deep Time. Ghost lineages and deified evolution are invoked to explain pterosaurs.
09 Dec, 2016
Mass extinction points to Noah's Flood

Mass extinction points to Noah's Flood

Most people have heard about the meteorite that hit the earth and supposedly caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. Secular geologists refer to this as the K/T extinction, and they regard it as one of the most significant mass extinctions, according to their deep-time view of earth history. However, did you know that the secular geologists have identified seven other mass extinctions in the portion of the geological record that contains complex plant and animal life? This shows that scientists are increasingly recognising the catastrophic nature of the geologic record. This goes against old ideas of only slow-and-gradual processes being responsible for all the rocks and fossils. These new perspectives are much more in line with a Biblical view of earth history, whereby Noah’s flood wiped out all air-breathing land animals not on the Ark. No, there were not eight mass extinctions in earth history—but there certainly was one massive extinction event!
02 Dec, 201601:01
Dinosaurs in Noahs vineyard

Dinosaurs in Noahs vineyard

Carved images of \dragons\ and the dinosaur connection.
19 Sep, 2016
Dinosaurs and dragons: stamping on the legends

Dinosaurs and dragons: stamping on the legends

Are dragons dinosaurs?
14 Jul, 2010
Leviathan body armour

Leviathan body armour

From the lorica segmentata to today, natures segmented body armour continues to provide design principles for engineers and scientists to copy.
08 Aug, 2016
Were dinosaurs on Noah's Ark

Were dinosaurs on Noah's Ark

Skeptics scoff, but these beasts were onboard with Noah and his family.
03 Apr, 2000
Dinosaurs falsify evolution

Dinosaurs falsify evolution

Dinosaurs captivate old and young alike, but why do people think they prove evolution?
02 Aug, 2016
Chinese fossil layers and uniformitarian re-dating

Chinese fossil layers and uniformitarian re-dating

Fossil finds force Jehol Group redating.
20 Nov, 2008
Frantic dinosaur footprints point to the flood

Frantic dinosaur footprints point to the flood

Dinosaur tracks have been found all over the world, but curiously, these track ways are almost always straight. Usually, when animals are relaxed, they meander around in all directions. But if they’re frightened, they tend to move fast in one direction. So why do dinosaur tracks suggest they were panicking when they made the footprints? The global flood recorded in the Bible provides a compelling answer. As the waters rose during Noah’s Flood, various mechanisms—such as tidal movements of the water—caused flood-laid sediments to be briefly exposed. This allowed dinosaurs that had previously been caught up in the currents, to make tracks on the freshly-laid sediments, before the sediments were inundated again. Thus dinosaurs were experiencing global panic when they made their footprints, and that explains why their track ways are so often straight. The preservation of tracks also requires their rapid burial—as would happen in the Flood.
16 Dec, 201501:01
Media bias hides the significance of Alaskan hadrosaur finds

Media bias hides the significance of Alaskan hadrosaur finds

Unpermineralized hadrosaur bones in Alaska pose problem for millions of years.
20 Oct, 2015
Dinosaur DNA dilemma

Dinosaur DNA dilemma

In 1994 the prestigious journal Science shocked the scientific world by publishing sequence data from DNA retrieved from dinosaur bone said to be 80 million years old. DNA is a fragile molecule, and so it breaks down quickly. Measurements of DNA stability suggest it could last thousands of years, at best, under the likely conditions. But 80 million years was just too incredible for other skeptical scientists. Eventually, these skeptics were vindicated—as it became apparent that the original researchers had sequenced contaminating human DNA, not dinosaur DNA. However, in 2012 a different group of researchers published new results supporting the discovery of actual dinosaur DNA. These new results appear much harder to disprove, with the researchers applying multiple checks against contamination from non-dinosaur sources. The preservation of dinosaur DNA doesn’t make sense from an evolutionary perspective. But it fits biblical history, whereby dinosaurs lived thousands of years ago, not millions of years ago.
30 Sep, 201501:01
Dieting dinosaurs

Dieting dinosaurs

Many of the biggest dinosaurs, such as some of the long-necked sauropods like Brachiosaurus, Titanosaurus, and Apatosaurus, would have eaten colossal amounts of vegetation. So why do we find such a conspicuous absence of plants in rocks containing dinosaur fossils? Take for example the Morrison Formation in Montana, USA. Even though this Formation has yielded many dinosaur fossils, there is a startling scarcity of vegetation preserved. This phenomenon of ‘missing vegetation’ doesn’t just apply to dinosaurs. The Coconino Sandstone in the Grand Canyon has many animal track-ways, but it is almost devoid of plants. These rocks tell us something profound about earth history. They suggest that these deposits are not ecosystems buried over eons of time, otherwise we’d find more evidence of the plants that the animals ate. Instead, the evidence fits nicely with the biblical model of earth history, whereby these animals were transported and buried catastrophically, during Noah’s flood.
23 Sep, 201501:01
Behemoth and leviathan in the book of Job

Behemoth and leviathan in the book of Job

Behemoth and leviathan were most likely animals that are extinct today
20 Mar, 2015
Leviathan real or symbolic

Leviathan real or symbolic

Is the Leviathan of the Old Testament real or symbolic?
16 Jan, 2015
Tiny pterosaurs untimely end

Tiny pterosaurs untimely end

A fossil embryo discovered in Liaoning, China, is a pterosaur-in its egg!
06 Aug, 2014
Did Angkor really see a dinosaur

Did Angkor really see a dinosaur

Skeptics, Angkor, stegosaur, dinosaur, decoration, temple, carving, stone Skeptics objections that the Angkor temple ‘stegosaur’ carving does not represent a dinosaur are easily rebutted.
23 Jun, 2014