Amazing armoured armadillos of the AmericasHow do evolutionists explain armadillos?Article08 Oct, 2007
Flying squidBiomimetics researchers want to copy the multi-modal (aquatic/aerial) capabilities of flying squid.Article03 Apr, 2017
Attractive webThe electrostatic properties of spider webs causes them to actively spring towards airborne objects.Article27 Feb, 2017
Mini hand grenades explode evolutionary ideasWhy does a squirting cucumber explode?Article23 Mar, 2016
DNA repair mechanisms shout creationThe 2015 Nobel Prize for Chemistry was awarded to Lindahl, Modrich, and Sancar for discovering DNA repair mechanisms.Article07 Mar, 2016
Life’s irreducible structure—Part 1: autopoiesisWhy does life have irreducible structures.Article23 Jan, 2009
Bees guidance strategy avoids crash landingsBees use a simple visual guidance strategy to land safely on complex surfaces.Article30 Nov, 2015
The amazing sea horseLike all kinds of creatures, the complex sea horse appears to have been created suddenly, as per GenesisArticle22 Jul, 2015
Ants: swarm intelligenceThe ant’s highly complex social structure, life cycle, strength, navigational abilities and intelligence all reflect creation, not evolution.Article28 May, 2014
Sharks denizens of the deepSharks are reputed to have evolved, yet the fossil record shows stasis, and sharks have special features reflecting design, not evolution.Article21 May, 2014
Spectacular, surprising sealsSeals are not the result of some chance succession of evolutionary flukes, but perfectly designed by the Creator.Article14 May, 2014
BeaversAll of the beavers features had to have been present and fully functional from the beginning.Article30 Apr, 2014