The Prostate Gland—is it ‘badly designed’?Refuting arguments that the prostate shows poor designArticle01 Aug, 2008
Walking up wallsInsects have inspired engineers to build a better ‘sticky tape’, and even robots that can walk up walls—a great idea for cleaning windows of high-rise buildings!Article02 May, 2008
Peacock poppycock?According to evolutionist researchers, Darwins sexual selection theory is a failure, as epitomized by its inability to explain the peacocks tail.Article21 Apr, 2008
Fancy flying from advanced aeronauticsNew discoveries about swift flight may help aircraft designers. Swifts also have such a sophisticated navigation system that they can find their way in their sleep.Article17 Dec, 2007
Brilliant brittlestarsAccording to one report its entire skeleton forms one big eye … brittlestars are one big compound eye.Article22 Aug, 2007
Amazing discovery: Bird wing has 'leading edge' technologyAmazing discovery: Bird wing has leading edge technologyArticle26 Jun, 2007
Bunchberry bang!Bunchberry stamens are designed like miniature medieval trebuchets. Design in Nature is evidence of God.Article16 May, 2007