Justin Taylor responseResponding to Justin Taylor of The Gospel Coalition regarding the length of the creation days.Article03 Feb, 2015
Is apparent age biblicalIs apparent age biblical, or did God create with functional maturity? Did Adam and Eve have navels, and the first trees have growth rings? Did God create light in transit from stars? What did Philip Gosse really teach?Article10 Mar, 2015
John Nelson Darby, the Scofield Reference Bible, and the rise of old-earth creationismDarby and the Scofield Reference Bible advocated the Gap theory, which helped old-earth creationism grow among conservative evangelicals.Article01 Dec, 2023
How long were the days of Genesis 1If God had intended us to understand long ages or theistic evolution in Genesis, there are several ways He could have said this, but He chose not to.Article19 Jan, 2011
Sevens in the BibleSevens outside the weekly Sabbath in Israels calendar do not undermine God creating everything in a literal week.Article07 Aug, 2021
Does the Bible compel an old-earth interpretation?The origins debate exists because Scripture seemingly conflicts with deep time, thus Scripture doesnt obviously support an old earth.Article17 Dec, 2020
Evolution v Genesis orderGenesis vs. evolution: long ages put human and animal death before the Fall, and the order of created is very different.Article13 Mar, 2017
Age of the earthEarth is now generally accepted as 4.543 billion years old, but here are 101 evidences for a much younger age of the earth and the cosmos.Article04 Jun, 2009