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The way it really is: little-known facts about radiometric dating

The way it really is: little-known facts about radiometric dating

Long-age geologists will not accept a radiometric date unless it matches their pre-existing expectations.
31 Jul, 2013
Footprint fiasco

Footprint fiasco

If radiometric dating is objective science then why do researchers disagree so widely over the results?
03 Oct, 2007
The oceans show us a young Earth

The oceans show us a young Earth

Using the same philosophy (uniformitarianism) employed by evolutionists, the oceans fail to live up to old-earth expectations.
15 Mar, 2021
Radiohalos ruin radiometric dating

Radiohalos ruin radiometric dating

Radiohalos are the result of nuclear decay. They provide powerful evidence that the earth is young and radiometric dating is highly inaccurate.
03 Mar, 202123:55
Where did deep time belief arise?

Where did deep time belief arise?

Western belief in ‘deep time’ first appeared in 17th and 18th century France
24 Feb, 2021
How old are the pyramids of Egypt?

How old are the pyramids of Egypt?

The oldest of Egypts pyramids fit comfortably within biblical history and timescale as post-Flood and post-Babel monuments.
17 Feb, 2021
Soft tissue in an ichthyosaur fossil

Soft tissue in an ichthyosaur fossil

Soft tissue preservation in a ‘Jurassic’ ichthyosaur is more evidence that fossils fit the biblical timeframe.
20 Jan, 2021
The polymer shield explanation for soft tissue fossils

The polymer shield explanation for soft tissue fossils

The polymer shield preservation model for soft tissue in fossils has several shortcomings and doesnt explain all the data.
27 Nov, 2020
Questioning carbon 14 dating of Durrington Circle artefacts

Questioning carbon 14 dating of Durrington Circle artefacts

Carbon 14 procedural blanks are not carbon-14 ‘dead’ therefore entire method is suspect.
26 Sep, 2020
The geology transformation tool

The geology transformation tool

A graphical tool to transform geological dates into biblical history.
03 Sep, 2020
Radioactive dating anomalies

Radioactive dating anomalies

Conflicting radioactive dating results are reported all the time and, on their own, there is no way of knowing what they mean.
12 Mar, 2012
Paleozoic Corals and Lunar Recession

Paleozoic Corals and Lunar Recession

Paleozoic corals show banding that supposedly proves the earth had a shorter day in the distant past due to tidal breaking.
20 Jun, 2020
Have uniformitarians rescued the ‘Pacemaker of the Ice Ages’ paper?

Have uniformitarians rescued the ‘Pacemaker of the Ice Ages’ paper?

A 1997 analysis does not save the grounding for Milankovitch climate forcing.
15 May, 2020
Dating Kabwe 1, the Broken Hill skull from Zambia

Dating Kabwe 1, the Broken Hill skull from Zambia

Assessing the latest date for the Broken Hill skull of Homo heidelbergensis and interpreting the skull from biblical perspective
09 May, 2020
Deep time in 18th century France: part 2

Deep time in 18th century France: part 2

The rise of deep time in France came over to Britain mainly through methodological naturalism and a subtle undermining of Christianity.
01 May, 2020
Scientific evidence for a recent creation

Scientific evidence for a recent creation

All dating methods involve making assumptions. But many scientific dating methods, with reasonable assumptions, do not support deep time and an old universe. Hundreds of dating methods support a young earth and recent creation of the universe.
22 Jan, 202024:44