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Tree ring dating

Tree ring dating

Trees are among the oldest living things on the planet. Some say longer than biblical Creation would allow. Dendrochronology is the science dealing with the study of the rings of trees in determining the dates and chronological order of past events. Learn why it is a help rather than a hindrance to the biblical chronology.
29 Jun, 202223:57
Examples of failed radiometric dates

Examples of failed radiometric dates

Actual samples where the dates obtained were wrong. Can this dating method ever be trusted? For more details watch the entire episode at: https://creation.com/cml7-15 [https://creation.com/cml7-15]
22 Jun, 202201:46
Making atheists loud and Christians dumb

Making atheists loud and Christians dumb

The age-of-the-earth compromise and creation/evolution views of leading Christian apologists such as John Lennox and John Dickson and William Lane Craig defraud them of answering the key theological
23 Apr, 2013
Why radiometric dating methods give false dates

Why radiometric dating methods give false dates

Accelerated nuclear decay causes most dates that rely on steady decay rates to be drastically inflated. For more details watch the entire episode at: https://creation.com/cml7-15 [https://creation.com/cml7-15]
08 Jun, 202201:22
830-million-year-old life  in ancient salt crystals

830-million-year-old life in ancient salt crystals

Halite salt radiometrically dated at 830-million-years-old contains saline inclusions containing prokaryote and eukaryote cells
07 Jun, 2022
William Pengelly’s cave excavations and the antiquity of man

William Pengelly’s cave excavations and the antiquity of man

William Pengelly’s Brixham cave excavations encouraged belief in the antiquity of mankind beyond the biblical timeframe.
19 May, 2022
Radiometric back flips - How solid are those dates?

Radiometric back flips - How solid are those dates?

A popular myth is that radioactive dating methods confirm the geologic time-scale and the concept of human evolution. The methods appear so impressive that many Christians accept them as evidence that the earth is very old. Many have been taught that radiometric dating methods are absolute. But exactly how solid are those dates?
11 May, 202224:17
Did God create over billions of years?

Did God create over billions of years?

Far from a side issue, time scale is central to the gospel, because compromising views put death before the Fall.
06 Oct, 2011
Ice core oscillations: part 2

Ice core oscillations: part 2

The supposed great age of the Antarctic Ice Sheet is assumed in the analysis of the ice core data.
06 May, 2022
Emil Silvestru interview

Emil Silvestru interview

Emil Silvestru interview
06 Sep, 2017
More questions on the dating of Mount St Helens lava dome

More questions on the dating of Mount St Helens lava dome

Answering questions about the radioactive dating of the Mount St Helens lava dome that exposes the problems with dating methods
15 Jan, 2022
Breakthrough in paleomagnetic measurement resolves C-14 dating dilemma and helps biblical archaeology

Breakthrough in paleomagnetic measurement resolves C-14 dating dilemma and helps biblical archaeology

Paleomagnetism measured in archaeological material from 586/587 BC Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem offers method of calibrating carbon-14 dating
28 Dec, 2021
How old are Göbekli Tepe and the Lost City of Dwarka?

How old are Göbekli Tepe and the Lost City of Dwarka?

Göbekli Tepe and Lost City of Dwarka dates do not fit Genesis timeline for Creation or Flood.
23 Dec, 2021
What’s a billion years here or there?

What’s a billion years here or there?

A billion years younger; reducing the age of stars, of young basalt moon rocks, and of sandstone quartzite.
09 Dec, 2021
Response to Dr Luke Barnes, Why I’m no longer a young-earth creationist.

Response to Dr Luke Barnes, Why I’m no longer a young-earth creationist.

Reply to Premier Christianity article by ex-young-earth creationist and physicist Luke Barnes
02 Nov, 2021
Micro-fossil balls buried in Noah’s Flood

Micro-fossil balls buried in Noah’s Flood

Radiometric and genetic-clock dating, geo-structures, and geochemistry indicate Bicellum brasieri buried by Noah’s Flood and not one billion years ago.
29 Jun, 2021