Stumping old-age dogmaRadiocarbon in an ‘ancient’ fossil tree stump casts doubt on traditional rock/fossil datingArticle01 Jan, 2025
The pigs took it allEvolutionists reject radiometric dates when they conflict with evolutionary fossil dates, such as KBS Tuff pigs and skull 1470.Article03 Jun, 1996
Helium is evidence for a young worldRuss Humphreys demolishes criticism of creationist RATE research project Radioisotopes and the Age of the EarthArticle29 Nov, 2008
Argon from rate site Argon diffusion data from the site where the RATE project gathered its helium diffusion data confirms the earth is youngArticle19 Oct, 2013
How accurate are marine microfossil transfer functions?There are numerous unknowns and inaccuracies in uniformitarian attempts to use microfossils to gauge past climates.Article14 Jun, 2024
Evolutionists can’t prove millions-of-yearsAll radioactive dates are based on assumptions so you can get any age you like by changing your assumptions.Article08 Jun, 2024
Racemization of amino acids under natural conditions: part 5Long-age researchers often give exaggerated ages for skeletal remains based on amino acid racemization dating.Article31 May, 2024
DNA detected in duckbilled dinoDNA has been detected in a duckbilled dinosaur fossil, undermining the traditional millions of years age for it.Article17 Aug, 2020
Racemization of amino acids under natural conditions: part 4Amino acids racemize in water faster than peptides can grow, which undermines abiogenesis.Article12 Apr, 2024
Bird tracks before birds existed?Biblical creation makes better sense than evolution of bird tracks found below bird fossils in the rock record.Article26 Feb, 2024
Radioactive dating problemsAn answer to Reasonable Faith Adelaide about lead in zircon crystals, the Concordia technique, and worldview bias of secular scientists.Article20 Jun, 2015
Eroding agesThe continents cannot be billions of years old because they would have eroded away long ago; there should be nothing left.Article26 Jun, 2013
Uniformitarian paleoaltimetry estimates questionableLong-age assumptions often produce conflicts and uncertainty regarding paleoaltimetry, estimating the past height of the land.Article29 Dec, 2023
Radiocarbon in dinosaur bones Researchers recently presented at a geophysics conference in Singapore radiocarbon dating results of dinosaur bones ranging from 22,000 to 39,000 years old, which have since been censored.Article22 Jan, 2013
Radio-dating in RubbleWhen radioisotope dating is applied to rocks of known age, such as the Mt St Helens lava dome formed in the 1980s, it fails miserably.Article11 May, 2006
The universe isn’t old, it’s just tired!The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the entropy (disorder) of the universe increases through time.Article24 Oct, 2023