Masters of their artThis amazing cave art stands as a spectacular testimony to the reality of biblical history; the bankruptcy of ‘human evolution’.Article31 Jul, 2023
The earth's magnetic field: evidence that the earth is youngThe measured exponential decay of EarthArticle03 Aug, 2011
Ice core oscillations: part 2The supposed great age of the Antarctic Ice Sheet is assumed in the analysis of the ice core data.Article06 May, 2022
More questions on the dating of Mount St Helens lava domeAnswering questions about the radioactive dating of the Mount St Helens lava dome that exposes the problems with dating methodsArticle15 Jan, 2022
How old are Göbekli Tepe and the Lost City of Dwarka?Göbekli Tepe and Lost City of Dwarka dates do not fit Genesis timeline for Creation or Flood.Article23 Dec, 2021
The way it really is: little-known facts about radiometric datingLong-age geologists will not accept a radiometric date unless it matches their pre-existing expectations.Article31 Jul, 2013
The oceans show us a young EarthUsing the same philosophy (uniformitarianism) employed by evolutionists, the oceans fail to live up to old-earth expectations.Article15 Mar, 2021
The geology transformation toolA graphical tool to transform geological dates into biblical history.Article03 Sep, 2020
Radioactive dating anomaliesConflicting radioactive dating results are reported all the time and, on their own, there is no way of knowing what they mean.Article12 Mar, 2012
Have uniformitarians rescued the ‘Pacemaker of the Ice Ages’ paper?A 1997 analysis does not save the grounding for Milankovitch climate forcing.Article15 May, 2020
Dating Kabwe 1, the Broken Hill skull from ZambiaAssessing the latest date for the Broken Hill skull of Homo heidelbergensis and interpreting the skull from biblical perspectiveArticle09 May, 2020
How can so many scientists be wrong on the age of the earth?So many scientists can be wrong about the age of the earth because they dont start from the Bible.Article16 Nov, 2019
Oxidizable carbon ratio datingOxidizable carbon ratio dating is not an objective independent dating method and does not provide evidence for long ages.Article20 Jul, 2014
Radiometric dating age of earthThe 4.5 billion-year radiometric age of the earth is based on faulty assumptions even secular researchers have acknowledged.Article08 Aug, 2012
Why most scientists believe the world is oldWhy scientists believe the world is oldArticle01 Apr, 2010