Stumping old-age dogmaRadiocarbon in an ‘ancient’ fossil tree stump casts doubt on traditional rock/fossil datingArticle01 Jan, 2025
The pigs took it allEvolutionists reject radiometric dates when they conflict with evolutionary fossil dates, such as KBS Tuff pigs and skull 1470.Article03 Jun, 1996
Carbon dating—who is fooling whom?Separating facts from fiction and data from the dogma regarding claims of accuracy for 14C and dendrochronology dating techniques.Article08 Dec, 2018
Nickel concentration indicates youthful oceansHow much nickel is there in the ocean?Article02 Jul, 2018
Helium is evidence for a young worldRuss Humphreys demolishes criticism of creationist RATE research project Radioisotopes and the Age of the EarthArticle29 Nov, 2008
Blowing old-earth belief away (helium)Billions of years of radioactive decay should have produced more helium in our atmosphere; while helium should have escaped zircons.Article07 Jun, 1999
How accurate are marine microfossil transfer functions?There are numerous unknowns and inaccuracies in uniformitarian attempts to use microfossils to gauge past climates.Article14 Jun, 2024
Evolutionists can’t prove millions-of-yearsAll radioactive dates are based on assumptions so you can get any age you like by changing your assumptions.Article08 Jun, 2024
Racemization of amino acids under natural conditions: part 5Long-age researchers often give exaggerated ages for skeletal remains based on amino acid racemization dating.Article31 May, 2024
Racemization of amino acids under natural conditions: part 4Amino acids racemize in water faster than peptides can grow, which undermines abiogenesis.Article12 Apr, 2024
The dating gameConflict over the date of the Mungo Man fossil shows that evolutionists do not automaticcaly accept laboratory dates, but interpret them within an evolutionary framework.Article21 Aug, 2013
The earth: how old does it look?Even many of those who believe that the earth is young think that it looks old. But does it?Article02 Dec, 2023
Ice core oscillations: part 4Ice core oscillations and abrupt climate changes are better explained within the context of the biblical Ice Age framework.Article24 Nov, 2023